When I see the compiled code by Babel, they do not seem to be equivalent. Actually, the former transforms to exports.A = A, which is not equivalent to module.exports = A (Maybe it is module.exports.A = A?)

So is there an ES6 style module.export =? Or the syntax remains still in ES6? Or that syntax is no more recommended in ES6?


3 Answers 3


You can use

export default class A {



class A {


export default A;

Which will export as

exports["default"] = A;
module.exports = exports["default"];

There's an explanation why in the interop section here.

In order to encourage the use of CommonJS and ES6 modules, when exporting a default export with no other exports module.exports will be set in addition to exports["default"].


You can use the following in Node v6:

"use strict" 

class ClassName {
 // class code

module.exports = ClassName

Save the above file as ClassName.js

To import it in another file Test.js:

"use strict"
var ClassName= require('./ClassName.js');
var obj = new ClassName( Vars . . . );

For more Info:

Here's an article on exporting classes from modules in Node v6


babel6 is not supported export default A to modules.export=A

you should add a plugin

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