I'm trying to assign a return value from a method to an array and in a second step to place this array into the addPoints() method of pChart.
Right now I'm using the following code:
$dataUsage = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 31; $i++) {
$dataUsage[$i - 1] = getDailyUsage($i);
$dataUsage[30] = getDailyUsage(31);
The getDailyUsage method looks like this:
function getPeriod() {
return date("Y-m");
function getDailyUsage($day) {
$var = getPeriod() . "-" . $day;
global $pdo;
$sql = "SELECT COUNT( `id` ) FROM `logs` WHERE timestamp = '$var'";
$q = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$number = $q->fetchColumn(0);
return $number;
To display the data into the pChart I'm running this:
$myData->addPoints($dataUsage, "Serie2");
As output I'm getting the default html icon as if I'm not finding the picture I'm looking for.
What really makes me curious is that I don't get any errors if I run this code:
$array = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 31; $i++) {
$array[$i - 1] = $i;
$array[30] = 31;
$myData->addPoints($array, "Absissa");
Since this is my first post I'm looking for tips to improve my questions, so feel free to leave a comment.
Edit: If I use:
$dataUsage = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 31; $i++) {
$dataUsage[$i - 1] = $i;
$dataUsage[30] = $i;
I can draw the image. But I couldn't even run it when I tried:
$myData->addPoints(array(getDailyUsage(1), getDailyUsage(2)), "Absissa")