I am Trying to configure SSL and got the .pfx file from server team. The Certificate chain length: 2
When i am trying to export the certificate chain using keytool, only the first certificate is exported.
Trying to figure out if there is any other parameters i am missing while issuing keytool command.
the commands I used are:
1) converting to JKS as alias name is not supported with pfx
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "serverauth.pfx" -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore "serverauth.jks"
2) Tried to Export certificates using the below.
keytool -export -alias 1 -keystore "serverauth.jks" -rfc -file "authclient.cert"
But above command generates only first cert.
If i remove entire alias option, getting error
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Alias <1> does not exist
Is there any other process.
keytool -list
show for the entries in the .pfx file?keytool -list
output in the question itself, so we can see the details?