I am trying to use learn Capybara for a scraping task I have. I have heretofore only used it for testing. There are a million things I want to learn, but at the very basic part of it I want to know how to find a certain element that is a sibling and comes after another element that I am able to find?

Take a page like this:


I want to return the <table> element that comes after the <h3> element having text Name2.

I know how to loop through elements with all, and I know how to use first instead of find, but I don't know how to "Find the first element X following specific element Y".

3 Answers 3



In CSS you could use a sibling selector. These allow you to select sibling elements; or those at the same nesting level and with the same parent element. There are two types of sibling selectors:

  • '+' the adjacent sibling selector
  • '~' the general sibling selector (adjacent or non-adjacent siblings)

It's usually ideal to avoid matching by text whenever possible. (This makes your specs easier to write and also means that textual changes are less likely to break your specs.) In that ideal world your 'h3' elements might have IDs on them and we could just:


However, in your example they don't have IDs so let's connect a couple of queries to scope to what we want.

find('h3', text: 'Name2').find('+table')

First we found the correct 'h3' element (using text matching) and then with that query as a basis we request the sibling 'table' element.

You may also note that if you used the general sibling selector '~' you would get an ambiguous element error; Capybara found all the 'table' elements rather than just the adjacent one.


Sometimes XPath is actually easier to use if you're really forced to do textual element selection. So you could instead:

find(:xpath, "//h3[contains(text(),'Name2')]/following-sibling::table")

More difficult to read but does the same thing. First find an 'h3' with text 'Name2' and then select it's sibling 'table' element.

  • 6
    I'm getting an illegal syntax error for the adjacent sibling CSS selector.... But the XPath alternative works perfectly :) Interestingly, I see there was a rejected pull request to add this functionality as a built-in Capybara method; that implementation also used the following-sibling XPath approach, under the hood.
    – Tom Lord
    Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 10:00

Capybara now has sibling and ancestor finders (~>=2.15.0)

[Updated 2018/09] As @trueunlessfalse commented out, the original answer using sibling finder will return amgibuous match error if there are multiple matches. So, please consider to use xpath in that case..

Following code using xpath will return what OP wanted

find('h3', text: 'Name2').first(:xpath, './following-sibling::table')

Following code will return what OP wanted => ambiguous match error

find('h3', text: 'Name2').sibling('table')

You can check the detail here. https://www.rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/Capybara/Node/Finders:sibling

  • For me this is returning an ambiguous match error, when there are multiple siblings matching 'table' (as in case for the OPs example) Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 8:34
  • 1
    @trueunlessfalse, Thanks, you are right. It seems I didn't correctly understand OP's question. I will update my answer. Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 15:27



didnt work for me. I needed to add :css then it worked

find(:css, 'h3#name2+table')
  • :css is the default. Is it possible the instance you're using is configured to default to xpath?
    – tgf
    Commented Apr 3, 2023 at 8:55

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