I have a web component which another group wants to include in their web application.

They have asked that I render my page into theirs by rendering into a div. From my understanding they are going to provide an html page similar to this.


<script src="myscript.js"></script>
<div id='render_here'></div>

where myscript.js will be a script I will need to write.

Now, I have seen countless examples on stackoverflow where I can use $(#render_here).load(..) or $.ajax(..,{..}). However, all of these leave me with a serious problem. That all resources my page loads are now relative to the page I am being rendered into. This off course breaks my page as all of my scripts, images, and css files fail to load.

Is anyone aware of how I can use the methods mentioned above, or maybe a method I am unaware of, where I can render into a div and not break my resources?

  • 1
    iFrame sounds as solution. You'll call all resources as you're calling now May 16, 2015 at 8:15

2 Answers 2


You can try to create a iframe in the render_here div, and set the src of iframe with you page url.

  • This is inline with what I was thinking. My only concern is they are injecting functions into the global space of their html page. I am just thinking out loud, but I could still access those internally as window.parent.function.
    – Freddy
    May 16, 2015 at 8:19

You will need rewrite your code using absolute URLs if you want them to be portable to other locations such as a third party's site.

If you don't require interaction between your code and content on the third party page then an iframe would probably save you a lot of time and effort, but access to the third party's page would be prevented from within the iframe.

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