I need to probe a lot of images from a command line to see if they will open.

ffprobe is brilliant for multimedia but can anyone steer me in the direction of a similar process I can use for images and if the universe is answering my prayers for pdfs and documents

thanks a lot

  • 3
    You can use ffprobe for images too.
    – llogan
    Commented May 17, 2015 at 22:42
  • LordNeckbeard The files are either corrupted or damaged. Fully aware that ffprobe works on images I am liking for an alternative especially for pdfs
    – jim slimm
    Commented May 19, 2015 at 7:32
  • possibly jhove? You can also ask on this new beta stack exchange site: softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
    – rogerdpack
    Commented May 19, 2015 at 16:25

3 Answers 3


The closest thing I can think of for "ffprobe for images" is ImageMagick: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/identify.php

Just like ffprobe, except you use identify. It tells you thinks like size, format, encoding, etc.


You could possibly use file:

$ file rooster.jpg 
rooster.jpg: JPEG image data, EXIF standard 2.21

$ file -b testsrc.png
PNG image data, 320 x 240, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced

$ file insulated_concrete_forms.pdf 
insulated_concrete_forms.pdf : PDF document, version 1.4

There is also mediainfo, which does a good job on detecting media file formats.


$ mediainfo --Output=JSON --Full some.jpg
"media": {
"@ref": "/path/to/some.jpg",
"track": [
"@type": "General",
"ImageCount": "1",
"FileExtension": "jpg",
"Format": "JPEG",
"FileSize": "816218",
"StreamSize": "0",
"File_Modified_Date": "UTC 2019-01-06 20:25:24",
"File_Modified_Date_Local": "2019-01-06 21:25:24"
"@type": "Image",
"Format": "JPEG",
"Width": "4050",
"Height": "1350",
"ColorSpace": "YUV",
"ChromaSubsampling": "4:4:4",
"BitDepth": "8",
"Compression_Mode": "Lossy",
"StreamSize": "816218",
"extra": {
"ColorSpace_ICC": "RGB"


$ mediainfo --Output=JSON --Full some.pdf
"media": {
"@ref": "/path/to/some.pdf",
"track": [
"@type": "General",
"TextCount": "1",
"FileExtension": "pdf",
"Format": "PDF",
"Format_Version": "1.3",
"FileSize": "141415",
"StreamSize": "141415",
"File_Modified_Date": "UTC 2019-01-24 08:50:21",
"File_Modified_Date_Local": "2019-01-24 09:50:21"
"@type": "Text",
"Format": "PDF"

Image File with wrong suffix:

$ mediainfo --Output=JSON --Full i-am-a-jpeg.pdf
"media": {
"@ref": "/path/to/i-am-a-jpeg.pdf",
"track": [
"@type": "General",
"ImageCount": "1",
"FileExtension": "pdf",
"Format": "JPEG",
"FileSize": "816218",
"StreamSize": "0",
"File_Modified_Date": "UTC 2019-01-06 20:25:24",
"File_Modified_Date_Local": "2019-01-06 21:25:24",
"extra": {
"FileExtension_Invalid": "h3d jpeg jpg jpe jps mpo"
"@type": "Image",
"Format": "JPEG",
"Width": "4050",
"Height": "1350",
"ColorSpace": "YUV",
"ChromaSubsampling": "4:4:4",
"BitDepth": "8",
"Compression_Mode": "Lossy",
"StreamSize": "816218",
"extra": {
"ColorSpace_ICC": "RGB"

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