Since my data is much more complicated, I made a smaller sample dataset (I left the reshape in to show how I generated the data).
x = rep(seq(2010,2014,1), each=4)
y = rep(seq(1,4,1), 5)
z = matrix(replicate(5, sample(c("A", "B", "C", "D"))))
temp_df =,y,z)
colnames(temp_df) = c("Year", "Rank", "ID")
dcast(temp_df, Year ~ Rank)
which results in...
> dcast(temp_df, Year ~ Rank)
Using ID as value column: use value.var to override.
Year 1 2 3 4
1 2010 D B A C
2 2011 A C D B
3 2012 A B D C
4 2013 D A C B
5 2014 C A B D
Now I essentially want to use a function like unique, but ignoring order to find where the first 3 elements are unique.
Thus in this case:
I would have A,B,C in row 5
I would have A,B,D in rows 1&3
I would have A,C,D in rows 2&4
Also I need counts of these "unique" events
Also 2 more things. First, my values are strings, and I need to leave them as strings. Second, if possible, I would have a column between year and 1 called Weighting, and then when counting these unique combinations I would include each's weighting. This isn't as important because all weightings will be small positive integer values, so I can potentially duplicate the rows earlier to account for weighting, and then tabulate unique pairs.
for reproducibility…