Part of my schema is as picturedCategory, Items

I have two junction tables, one of which maps Items to Categories and the second which maps what items are "featured" for a particular category.

What I need to do now is get all items that are in a particular category (not difficult), but I also need to have a column "featured" that would display if the item is featured for that category (NULL if not featured).

I've tried various combinations of LEFT JOIN for example

SELECT i.*, category.name, category_feat_item.item_id AS featured
FROM item AS i
INNER JOIN item_category ON i.id = item_category.item_id
INNER JOIN category ON category.id = item_category.category_id AND category.id =1
LEFT OUTER JOIN category_feat_item ON i.id = category_feat_item.item_id
ORDER BY featured DESC

but I'm stumped.

  • post what you have tried in codes as well
    – Tharif
    May 23, 2015 at 9:31
  • select i.*, category.name, category_feat_item.item_id AS featured from item AS i INNER JOIN item_category ON i.id = item_category.item_id INNER JOIN category ON category.id = item_category.category_id AND category.id =1 LEFT OUTER JOIN category_feat_item ON i.id = category_feat_item.item_id ORDER BY featured desc
    – jimmy
    May 23, 2015 at 9:39
  • kindly edit that in post..same query
    – Tharif
    May 23, 2015 at 9:49
  • Edited with sample query append
    – jimmy
    May 23, 2015 at 9:55
  • 1
    How do you ensure that featured items are in the item_category table? The featured information should probably be a flag in the item_category junction table, rather than a separate table. May 23, 2015 at 11:26

1 Answer 1


Looks almost ok but you need to assign the category_id in the left outer join as well. Otherwise you get all featured items of the item:

SELECT i.*, category.name, category_feat_item.item_id AS featured
FROM item AS i
INNER JOIN item_category ON i.id = item_category.item_id
INNER JOIN category ON category.id = item_category.category_id AND category.id =1
LEFT OUTER JOIN category_feat_item ON i.id = category_feat_item.item_id AND category_feat_item.category_id = 1
ORDER BY featured DESC
  • I think you're right. Might be even better to join on category.id and move the = 1 condition to a where clause, so the 1 literal is not repeated twice.
    – Andomar
    May 23, 2015 at 10:39
  • Or at least use a parameter.
    – sfrutig
    May 23, 2015 at 10:43

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