I want to access last modified date-time, written in "date modified" column in windows, for a folder. I can do this for a file using
forfiles /P "C:\Users" /S /D -10 | find /c /v
but how to do it for a folder?
Regardless of erroneous pipe to find
and in view of next two commands give the same output:
forfiles /P "C:\Users" /S /D -10
forfiles /P "C:\Users" /S /D -10 /C "cmd /C echo @file"
Hence, next command outputs folder names (fully qualified paths, in a matter of fact) only:
forfiles /P "C:\USERS" /d -10 /C "cmd /C if /I @isdir==true echo @path"
Read forfiles /?
or FORFILES.exe: Select a file (or set of files) and execute a command on each file.