From previous versions of the question, there is this: Browse website with ip address rather than localhost, which outlines pretty much what I've done so far...I've got the local IP working. Then I found ngrok, and apparently I don't need to connect via the IP.

What I am trying to do is expose my website running on localhost to the internet. I found a tool that will do this: ngrok.

Running the website in visual studio, the website starts up on localhost/port#. I run the command "ngrok http port#" in the command line. Everything seems to start up fine. I generate a couple of URLs, and the ngrok inspection url (localhost:4040) works.

The only problem is that when I go to the generated URLs, I get an HTTP error 400: bad request invalid hostname. This is a different error than when I run "ngrok http wrongport#", which is a host not found error...so I think something good is happening. I just can't tell what...

Is there a step I am missing in exposing my site to the internet via the tunneling service? If there is, I can't find it in the ngrok documentation.

  • The whole process is summarized here. Maybe this could help.
    – umunBeing
    Commented May 8, 2021 at 19:11

12 Answers 12


Troubleshot this issue with ngrok. In the words of inconshrevable, some applications get angry when they see a different host header than expected.

Running the following command should fix the problem:

ngrok http [port] --host-header="localhost:[port]"

Depending on the version, you may also want to try:

ngrok http [port] --host-header="localhost:[port]"
  • 4
    Thanks. I previously followed the instructions from Devin Rader detailed here, but this now makes this way easier. twilio.com/blog/2014/03/…
    – sobelito
    Commented Dec 6, 2015 at 22:25
  • 4
    Can't upvote this enough! For all the complex and buggy instructions out there to hack your IISExpress bindings and network settings, this cuts through it all like a hot knife through butter. Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 16:54
  • 49
    When local is on https instead of http then this variation of above works: ngrok http https://localhost:44362 -host-header="localhost:44362"
    – Jsinh
    Commented Jun 1, 2019 at 9:33
  • 4
    wow, I wasted almost 2 hours figure this one out. my only problem was I was adding https in -host-header. like this: ngrok http https://localhost:44392 -host-header="https://localhost:44392" removing https:// from -host-header parameter solved my problem. Thanks
    – Pirate
    Commented Jun 7, 2019 at 15:24
  • 3
    thanks, it still works in 2022. just as --host-header=whatever
    – LoLo
    Commented Apr 26, 2022 at 4:35

Following command will fix the issue

ngrok http -host-header=localhost 8080
  • 12
    If using ASP.NET Core you should also comment out app.UseHttpsRedirection() in your Startup class to avoid a 307 Temporary Redirect.
    – Mark G
    Commented Nov 14, 2019 at 21:58
  • For some reason the accepted answer didn't work for me, this solution did. Thanks!
    – M1sterPl0w
    Commented Aug 31, 2021 at 8:41
  • 1
    didn't work for me
    – brianc
    Commented May 25, 2022 at 0:30

This didn't work for me. you could do the following:

For IIS Express

In VS 2015: Go to the .vs\config\applicationhost.config folder in your project

In VS 2013 and earlier: Go to %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config

Find the binding that says:

<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:5219:localhost" />

For me it was a project running on port 5219

change it to

  <binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:5219:" />

IIS Express will now accept all incoming connections on that port.

Disadvantage: you need to run IIS Express as admin.

or you could rewrite the host header in Ngrok:

ngrok.exe http -host-header=rewrite localhost:5219
  • This is the correct way to rewrite header in ngrok. None of the other answers worked. Already got IIS set to any hostname, but ngrok returned "hostname invalid" when using -host-header="localhost:8892" however this rewrite version worked immediately.
    – Tyeth
    Commented Mar 11, 2020 at 15:43

For https this works:

ngrok http https://localhost:<PORT> --host-header="localhost:<PORT>"

  • this definitely worked for me : ngrok http --host-header=MY_DOMAIN.COM 443 Commented Mar 30, 2023 at 5:33


Tested with: (Windows) (ngrok v3.0.5)

Use -- instead of -

ngrok http --host-header=localhost 8080


The simplest thing for me was using iisexpress-proxy + ngrok.

First I install iisexpress-proxy globally with npm

npm install -g iisexpress-proxy

Then I proxy my localhost with it. Say for instance my site is running on 3003.

iisexpress-proxy 3003 to 12345 where 12345 is the new http port I want to proxy to.

Then I can run ngrok on it.

./ngrok.exe http 12345

It just works! 😃

But I think it works only with http. Right now I don't use https to test, but even if it works, usually it's a lot of work as always.


For https this works:

ngrok http https://localhost:<PORT> --host-header="localhost:<PORT>"

  • i am triyng to figure how to make it work with the tunnels configuration file ngrok.yml. When i get it, i'll edit this post :) Commented Jun 14, 2022 at 15:05

First open ngrok configuration YAML file, run from terminal:

ngrok config edit

Example of yaml for localhost setup (client & server):

version: "2"
  addr: 3000
  proto: http
  host_header: localhost
  addr: 4000
  proto: http
  host_header: localhost

Save the config file based on your client and server ports and run the following command:

ngrok start --all

This will make ngrok open a tunnel for all the configurations declared in the yaml file

  • This works, just changed addr to addr: "https://localhost:44329" and host_header to host_header: "localhost:44329" for dotnet core, of course this is just the port mine was serving.
    – Pierre
    Commented Apr 15 at 21:15

Try with different locations from the Global infrastructure > Locations

ngrok http -region eu 8080

You can make a request and view any traffic passing through your tunnel using the ngrok traffic inspector at http://localhost:4040.

OR in command line

ngrok http -region eu 8080 --log=stdout                                                                                                                                                 

If one region fails then try with another.

ngrok runs tunnel servers in datacenters around the world. The location of the datacenter within a given region may change without notice (e.g. the European servers may move from Frankfurt to London).

  • us - United States (Ohio)
  • eu - Europe (Frankfurt)
  • ap - Asia/Pacific (Singapore)
  • au - Australia (Sydney)
  • sa - South America (Sao Paulo)
  • jp - Japan (Tokyo)
  • in - India (Mumbai)

Had IIS Express .net web API, had installed NGROK in docker (windows as a host) Had "Bad Request" error, the next command worked for me:

docker run -it -e NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=<token> ngrok/ngrok --host-header=localhost:21852  http host.docker.internal:21852

As I understood later, --host-header needed because IIS Express refuses all requests from outside (must be "localhost:port "), host.docker.internal I've used instead of localhost, because NGROK was running inside docker, while IIS Express was running on a windows host.


I had the same issue and used the following solution:

  1. Make sure your application binding in your IIS is set to All Unassigned IP address

  2. Run ngrok HTTP --region=eu --hostname=yourcustomdomain.eu.ngrok.io

That's it. Works perfectly. This solution is also for paid pro accounts



  1. Run command on your console from ngrok.exe directory . ngrok http port i.e ngrok http 80 https://www.screencast.com/t/oyuEPlR6Z Set

  2. Ngrok url to your app .

It will create a tunnel to your application.

Thanks .

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