I'm looking for a way, to generate a string, that contains for example "x³". If I don't know the exponent (3), and I want to add it to the string, like this: "x^"+"3" doesn't work (of course). Is there a way, to add numbers, or possibly even characters as exponent to a string with python?

  • 1
    Yes. You need to use the proper Unicode encoding which contains the exponent characters you want. Commented May 29, 2015 at 20:16
  • Where do you need it? If it's for example on a website, then there's html for that. Commented May 29, 2015 at 20:35

3 Answers 3


You might want to look at sympy:

import sympy
from sympy import init_printing


 ⎛ 3⎞
 ⎝x ⎠

  • @d0n.key, what do you mean by every string? Commented May 29, 2015 at 20:27
  • something like a^b to show mathematic formulas better.
    – d0n.key
    Commented May 30, 2015 at 10:14

I am a little bit confused about the question, but I think you are asking how to do superscript. You can use $$ wrapped around the ^ character in a string.

plt.xlabel('Volumetric Flor Wate (m$^3$/s)')
plt.ylabel('Head (m)')
long_title = "Series: 73.77 (m$^3$/s), Head: 55.54 m \n Paraller: 67.065 ($m^3$/s), Head: 45.0132 m"

and it will show like this. enter image description here

print( 'Exponent:\t ' , a , '² = ' , a ** b , sep = '' )

This is a line of Python code downloaded from the book "Python in Easy Steps" source code website. I had to Copy and Paste that line of code into the Python 3.5.1 IDLE for it to run because I can't figure out what combination of keystrokes to use to enter the exponent superscript 2 for the variable a.

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