I wanted to know how I could change the axis of a plot of Tukey's HSD so I could shorten the words to make each comparison fit and not look ridiculous.
It would help a lot if you could help me with codes for changing axis labels, font size and color.
There are quite a few comparisons in the plot, so I would like to make the significant ones (the comparisons whose intervals are not on the "0" line) stand out more by changing their color.
`Gastropods = read.csv(file = "MaroubraZones.csv", header = TRUE)
boxplot(Abundance ~ Zone*Species,data = Gastropods, names = c("A.high", "A.mid", "A.low", "C.high", "C.mid", "C.low", "N.high", "N.mid", "N.low"))
Gastropods.ANOVA = aov(Abundance ~ Zone * Species, data = Gastropods)
Gastropods$LOGAbundance = log10(Gastropods$Abundance + 1)
Gastropods$SQRTAbundance = sqrt(Gastropods$Abundance + 1)
interaction.plot(Gastropods$Zone, Gastropods$Species, Gastropods$Abundance, main= "Gastropod Interaction Plot", xlab = "Gastropod Zone", ylab= "Mean of Gastropod Abundance",legend = FALSE))
interaction.plot(Gastropods$Zone, Gastropods$Species, Gastropods$Abundance, main= "Gastropod Interaction Plot", xlab = "Gastropod Zone", ylab= "Mean of Gastropod Abundance", legend = FALSE)
As you can see the axis's are terrible and I want to highlight the significant values outside of the zero interval.