I would like to iterate over multiple Mongo collections in meteor (server side). First I would like to check if a collections has any documents.

My code so far:

     var isEmptyCollection = function(name) {
          if(name.find().count() === 0) {
             return true
          } else {
             return false

        var mycollections = ["CollectionOne", "CollectionTwo", "CollectionThree"];

        for (var i = 0; i < mycollections.length; i++) {
            if (isEmptyCollection(mycollections[i])) {
        } else {
            var data = mycollections[i].find({},{fieldOne: 1}).fetch();

I get this Error:

    TypeError: Object CollectionOne has no method 'find'....

How can I iterate over collections / check in a loop if a collection has any values?


2 Answers 2


Your array of collections contains a lot of strings, but it should contain a list of collection objects. Try changing the array assignment to:

var mycollections = [CollectionOne, CollectionTwo, CollectionThree];

I'm assuming you've defined these using Mongo.Collection.

  • Yes those are Mongo.Collections. Thank you. That solved the problem! Jun 9, 2015 at 8:52

mycollections[i] would be the string "CollectionOne". Use global[ mycollections[i] ] to get a reference to the actual collection.

E.g: global[ mycollections[i] ].find().count()

On the client window[ mycollections[i] ] would be it.

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