Is there an Ansible variable that has the absolute path to the current playbook that is executing?

Some context: I'm running/creating an Ansible script against localhost to configure a MySQL Docker container and wanting to mount the data volume relative to the Ansible playbook.

For example, let's say I've checkout a repository to ~/branch1/ and then I run ansible-playbook dev.yml I was thinking it should save the volume to ~/branch1/.docker_volume/. If I ran it from ~/branch2 then it should configure the volume to ~/branch2/.docker_volume/.


7 Answers 7


You can use the playbook_dir variable.

See the documentation about special variables.

For example, given the file structure:

├── foo
│   └── bar.txt
└── playbook.yml

When running playbook.yml, the task:

- ansible.builtin.debug:
    var: "(playbook_dir ~ '/foo/bar.txt') is file"

Would give:

TASK [ansible.builtin.debug] **************************************
ok: [localhost] => 
  (playbook_dir ~ '/foo/bar.txt') is file: true

There don't seem to be a variable which holds exactly what you want.

However, quoting the docs:

Also available, inventory_dir is the pathname of the directory holding Ansible’s inventory host file, inventory_file is the pathname and the filename pointing to the Ansible’s inventory host file.

playbook_dir contains the playbook base directory.

And finally, role_path will return the current role’s pathname (since 1.8). This will only work inside a role.

Dependent on your setup, those or the $ pwd -based solution might be enough.


I was using a playbook like this to test my roles locally:

- hosts: localhost
     - role: .

but this stopped working with Ansible v2.2.

I debugged the aforementioned solution of

- hosts: all
    - name: Find out playbooks path
      shell: pwd
      register: playbook_path_output
    - debug: var=playbook_path_output.stdout

and it produced my home directory and not the "current working directory"

I settled with

- hosts: all
    - role: '{{playbook_dir}}'

per the solution above.


There is no build-in variable for this purpose, but you can always find out the playbook's absolute path with "pwd" command, and register its output to a variable.

- name: Find out playbook's path
  shell: pwd
  register: playbook_path_output
- debug: var=playbook_path_output.stdout

Now the path is available in variable playbook_path_output.stdout

  • 11
    In this case pwd does not return the path of the playbook script. It returns the current directory of the process (normally ansible-playbook). The two don't have to be the same and depend on exact way in which ansible was invoked.
    – Cray
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 0:28
  • 7
    @Cray is correct. Irregardless, I just wanted to mention that Ansible already prepares this variable for you: debug: var=ansible_env.PWD (this gives me the directory from which I executed ansible-playbook on my local machine and the home directory on remote servers)
    – dutoitns
    Commented Jun 7, 2016 at 8:19
  • 9
    Alternatively the current directory can be found with: {{ lookup('env','PWD') }}
    – isedwards
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 10:25

Unfortunately there isn't. In fact the absolute path is a bit meaningless (and potentially confusing) in the context of how Ansible runs. In a nutshell, when you invoke a playbook then for each task Ansible physically copies the module associated with the task to a temporary directory on the target machine and then invokes the module with the necessary parameters. So the absolute path on the target machine is just a temporary directory that only contains a few temporary files within it, and it doesn't even include the full playbook. Also, knowing a full path of a file on the Ansible server is pretty much useless on a target machine unless you're replicating your entire Ansible directory tree on the targets.

To see all the variables that are defined by Ansible you can simply run the following command:

$ ansible -m setup hostname

What is the reason you think you need to know the absolute path to the playbook?

  • Thanks Bruce, I modified my question to elaborate on what I was trying to do.
    – Josh Unger
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 3:43
  • 9
    The absolute local path is not meaningless at all. For example it could be used to run any local commands and/or query other local files or services which could not be included in the ansible config directly. The mere fact that ansible has the local_action module means that there are legitimate use-cases for this.
    – Cray
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 0:43
  • your command didn't work for me. This one did: ansible -m setup -i, localhost Commented Aug 31, 2022 at 5:33

I use in playbook like this,


- hosts: test-server
  remote_user: root
    - name: Test output
      shell: 'pwd'
      register: command_output
        chdir: /root/new-folder/  # <<<<<<<<<< there
    - debug:
        var: command_output.stdout_lines

This will get the job done:

- set_fact:
    playbook_name: "{{ (lookup('file', '/proc/self/cmdline')) }}"
  tags: always

- set_fact:
    cmdline_parts: "{{ playbook_name.split('\u0000') }}"
  tags: always

- set_fact:
    extracted_playbook_name: "{{ inventory_dir }}/{{ cmdline_parts[4] | default('No playbook found') }}"
  tags: always

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