I'm working with a large number of files that have PHP block docs with Swagger PHP annotations on them, however they are not indented. Is there anyway to automatically format them with spaces?


 * @SWG\Api(
 * path="/building/{buildingId}",
 * @SWG\Operation(
 * method="GET",
 * type="Building",
 * summary="Returns a Building object by ID",
 * nickname="building/getBuilding",
 * @SWG\Parameter(
 * name="buildingId",
 * description="ID of the building that needs to be fetched",
 * paramType="path",
 * required=false,
 * type="string",
 * defaultValue="1"
 * )
 * )
 * )


 * @SWG\Api(
 *   path="/building/{buildingId}",
 *   @SWG\Operation(
 *     method="GET",
 *     type="Building",
 *     summary="Returns a Building object by ID",
 *     nickname="building/getBuilding",
 *     @SWG\Parameter(
 *       name="buildingId",
 *       description="ID of the building that needs to be fetched",
 *       paramType="path",
 *       required=false,
 *       type="string",
 *       defaultValue="1"
 *     )
 *   )
 * )
  • 1
    AFAIK no because it was requested long time ago to not to touch such annotations at all, e.g. youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-10053 . But then -- I'm not suing such annotations myself and therefore could be wrong here.
    – LazyOne
    Commented Jun 11, 2015 at 17:53

1 Answer 1


Looking into this unfortunately there isn't anything built into PHPStorm to do this. I fixed this issue with a bit of node and have open sourced my work if anyone else needs it.



  • 1
    Is this solution still working? I've tried it but it doesn't format the Swagger annotations. Is there some native support in PHPStorm for formatting Swagger annotations by now?
    – chrisch
    Commented Jun 9, 2020 at 15:33
  • Unfortunately wasn't working anymore, not for new versions of swagger and PHPStorm doesn't have a native support do Swagger annotations as far I know. Commented Jan 20, 2021 at 8:43
  • This doesn't work anymore, sad that Jetbrains can't implement these simple formatting features.
    – Denialos
    Commented Feb 26, 2021 at 13:02

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