Using gpgme (the development library for gpg/gnupg), I'm trying to sign some data. In the key ring I have more then 1 private key so I want to select the correct one. This fails with: "Unusable secret key (117440566)". The key was generated with gnupg2 itself. When using gnupg the problem also occurs.
sec 1024R/14B7E8E6 2015-05-27
Key fingerprint = 95C7 6C5E F839 43DA 2F32 2CF4 D2C2 5144 14B7 E8E6
uid testkey2 (testkey2) <[email protected]>
ssb 1024R/ED8059EA 2015-05-27
pub rsa1024/14B7E8E6
created: 2015-05-27 expires: never usage: SC
trust: ultimate validity: ultimate
sub rsa1024/ED8059EA
created: 2015-05-27 expires: never usage: E
sub rsa1024/74D6F5C6
created: 2015-05-31 expires: never usage: S
First I check if there's a private key for the key selected:
gpgme_op_keylist_start(..., ..., 1);
if (gpgme_op_keylist_nex() == GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR) { proceed }
do the signing:
gpgme_set_pinentry_mode(GPGME_PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK) // yes i installed v2.1
/* ...binary to gpgme_data_t... */
gpgme_signers_add() // <- that key that I checked for existance earlier
if (gpgme_signers_count() != 1) { fail(); } // sanity check
gpgme_op_encrypt_sign(ctx, recipient, GPGME_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST /* FIXME */, data_in, sig);
Now that gpgme_op_encrypt_sign always fails with that "Unusable secret key (117440566)" error. Any tips/hints?
Software versions:
gnupg 1.4.18-7
gnupg-agent 2.1.4-1
gnupg2 2.1.4-1
libgpgme++2 4:4.14.2-2+b1
libgpgme11:amd64 1.5.1-6
libgpgme11-dev 1.5.1-6
python-gnupginterface 0.3.2-9.1
I enabled debug-tracing but it doesn't help me much:
<0x1927> gpgme_debug: level=4
<0x1927> gpgme_check_version: call: 0=(nil), req_version=(null), VERSION=1.5.1
<0x1927> gpgme_check_version_internal: call: 0=(nil), req_version=(null), offset_sig_validity=60
<0x1927> gpgme_set_locale: enter: ctx=(nil), category=0, value=C
<0x1927> gpgme_set_locale: leave
<0x1927> gpgme_set_locale: enter: ctx=(nil), category=5, value=C
<0x1927> gpgme_set_locale: leave
<0x1927> gpgme-dinfo: gpgconf='/usr/bin/gpgconf'
<0x1927> gpgme-dinfo: gpg='/usr/bin/gpg2'
<0x1927> gpgme-dinfo: gpgsm='/usr/bin/gpgsm'
<0x1927> gpgme-dinfo: homedir='/home/folkert/.gnupg'
<0x1927> gpgme-dinfo: agent='/home/folkert/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent'
<0x1927> gpgme-dinfo: uisrv='/home/folkert/.gnupg/S.uiserver'
<0x1927> gpgme_new: enter: r_ctx=0x7fff5afd07a8
<0x1927> gpgme_new: leave: ctx=0x20c0810
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_start: enter: ctx=0x20c0810, pattern=0BF38589, secret_only=1
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c0810, fd 4, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c26b0
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c0810, fd 6, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c2800
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c0c10, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 0, type_data (nil)
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_start: leave
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_next: enter: ctx=0x20c0810
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2820, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2820, handler (0x20c0c10, 6)
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = (nil), line = sec:u:2048:1:CC73A8A60BF38589:1433443717:::u:::scESC::::::
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c2850, line = fpr:::::::::20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c2850, line = uid:u::::1433443717::9963CFDE0C8920AD077B06A281992C4008E67E4F::testkey3 (testkey3) <[email protected]>:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c2850, line = ssb:u:2048:1:22317805D48C1491:1433443717::::::e::::::
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c2850, line = fpr:::::::::FB6FFB7D8BEC710A745DE86C22317805D48C1491:
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c26d0, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c26d0, handler (0x20c0c10, 4)
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c26b0, setting fd 0x4 (item=0x20c26d0) done
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2820, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2820, handler (0x20c0c10, 6)
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c2850, line = (null)
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c0c10, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 2, type_data 0x20c2850
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c2800, setting fd 0x6 (item=0x20c2820) done
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c0c10, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 1, type_data 0x7fff5afd0700
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_next: leave: key=0x20c2850 (20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589)
<0x1927> gpgme_release: call: ctx=0x20c0810
<0x1927> gpgme_new: enter: r_ctx=0x7fff5afd0818
<0x1927> gpgme_new: leave: ctx=0x20c2210
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_start: enter: ctx=0x20c2210, pattern=4BE78BDCF3F5352CF624A6DF3AD6F8118300CC02, secret_only=0
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2210, fd 4, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c1f50
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2210, fd 6, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c1fa0
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c0c10, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 0, type_data (nil)
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_start: leave
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_next: enter: ctx=0x20c2210
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c1fc0, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c1fc0, handler (0x20c0c10, 6)
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = (nil), line = tru::0:1433443869:2410285847:3:1:5
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = (nil), line = pub:-:1024:17:3AD6F8118300CC02:1039074767:::-:::scESC::::::
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = fpr:::::::::4BE78BDCF3F5352CF624A6DF3AD6F8118300CC02:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = uid:-::::1203999932::275AAD3E991F1962AD510CC96760907BE70FE668::Bla <bla@com>:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = uid:-::::1203999938::59689891229F1817EF66BFC63D9D0BB2F45F5209::Bla <bla@com>:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = uid:r::::::8A709552E7AB85B53DDAE18A48C0978E5EBF5547::Bla <bla@com>:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = sub:-:2048:16:942E547C12A6B1C2:1039075030::::::e::::::
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = fpr:::::::::E69EF5226BBF7EC14F1D7D96942E547C12A6B1C2:
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c1f70, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c1f70, handler (0x20c0c10, 4)
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c1f50, setting fd 0x4 (item=0x20c1f70) done
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c1fc0, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c1fc0, handler (0x20c0c10, 6)
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c2210, key = 0x20c2b70, line = (null)
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c0c10, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 2, type_data 0x20c2b70
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c1fa0, setting fd 0x6 (item=0x20c1fc0) done
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c0c10, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 1, type_data 0x7fff5afd0760
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_next: leave: key=0x20c2b70 (4BE78BDCF3F5352CF624A6DF3AD6F8118300CC02)
<0x1927> gpgme_release: call: ctx=0x20c2210
<0x1927> gpgme_new: enter: r_ctx=0x7fff5afd07c8
<0x1927> gpgme_new: leave: ctx=0x20c2550
<0x1927> gpgme_set_passphrase_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2550, passphrase_cb=(nil)/(nil)
<0x1927> gpgme_set_pinentry_mode: call: ctx=0x20c2550, pinentry_mode=4
<0x1927> gpgme_set_passphrase_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2550, passphrase_cb=0x403420/0x20c0058
<0x1927> gpgme_set_passphrase_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2550, passphrase_cb=0x403420/0x20c0058
<0x1927> gpgme_new: enter: r_ctx=0x7fff5afd0768
<0x1927> gpgme_new: leave: ctx=0x20c0810
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_start: enter: ctx=0x20c0810, pattern=0BF38589, secret_only=0
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c0810, fd 4, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c4fd0
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c0810, fd 6, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c5120
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c1d50, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 0, type_data (nil)
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_start: leave
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_next: enter: ctx=0x20c0810
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c5140, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c5140, handler (0x20c1d50, 6)
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = (nil), line = tru::0:1433443869:2410285847:3:1:5
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = (nil), line = pub:u:2048:1:CC73A8A60BF38589:1433443717:::u:::scESC::::::
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c5170, line = fpr:::::::::20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c5170, line = uid:u::::1433443717::9963CFDE0C8920AD077B06A281992C4008E67E4F::testkey3 (testkey3) <[email protected]>:
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c5170, line = sub:u:2048:1:22317805D48C1491:1433443717::::::e::::::
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c5170, line = fpr:::::::::FB6FFB7D8BEC710A745DE86C22317805D48C1491:
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c4ff0, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c4ff0, handler (0x20c1d50, 4)
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c4fd0, setting fd 0x4 (item=0x20c4ff0) done
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c5140, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c5140, handler (0x20c1d50, 6)
<0x1927> gpgme:keylist_colon_handler: call: ctx=0x20c0810, key = 0x20c5170, line = (null)
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c1d50, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 2, type_data 0x20c5170
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c5120, setting fd 0x6 (item=0x20c5140) done
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c1d50, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 1, type_data 0x7fff5afd06c0
<0x1927> gpgme_op_keylist_next: leave: key=0x20c5170 (20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589)
<0x1927> gpgme_release: call: ctx=0x20c0810
<0x1927> gpgme_signers_clear: call: ctx=0x20c2550
<0x1927> gpgme_signers_add: enter: ctx=0x20c2550, key=0x20c2850 (20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589)
<0x1927> gpgme_signers_add: leave
<0x1927> gpgme_op_encrypt_sign: enter: ctx=0x20c2550, flags=0x1, plain=0x20c2ed0, cipher=0x20c3f20
<0x1927> gpgme_op_encrypt_sign: check: ctx=0x20c2550, recipient[0] = 0x20c5170 (20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589)
<0x1927> gpgme_sig_notation_get: call: ctx=0x20c2550, ctx->sig_notations=(nil)
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2550, fd 4, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c2070
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2550, fd 8, dir=1 -> tag=0x20c21c0
<0x1927> _gpgme_add_io_cb: call: ctx=0x20c2550, fd 11, dir=0 -> tag=0x20c2210
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c1d50, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 0, type_data (nil)
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2230, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2230, handler (0x20c2ed0, 11)
<0x1927> _gpgme_data_outbound_handler: enter: dh=0x20c2ed0, fd=0xb
<0x1927> _gpgme_data_outbound_handler: leave
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2230, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2230, handler (0x20c2ed0, 11)
<0x1927> _gpgme_data_outbound_handler: enter: dh=0x20c2ed0, fd=0xb
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c2210, setting fd 0xb (item=0x20c2230) done
<0x1927> _gpgme_data_outbound_handler: leave
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2090, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2090, handler (0x20c1d50, 4)
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2090, need to check
<0x1927> _gpgme_run_io_cb: call: item=0x20c2090, handler (0x20c1d50, 4)
<0x1927> _gpgme_cancel_with_err: enter: ctx=0x20c2550, ctx_err=117440566, op_err=0
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c2070, setting fd 0x4 (item=0x20c2090) done
<0x1927> _gpgme_remove_io_cb: call: data=0x20c21c0, setting fd 0x8 (item=0x20c21e0) done
<0x1927> gpgme:gpg_io_event: call: gpg=0x20c1d50, event 0x7fd8b1a20ad0, type 1, type_data 0x7fff5afd06c0
<0x1927> _gpgme_cancel_with_err: leave
<0x1927> gpgme_op_encrypt_sign: error: Unusable secret key <GPGME>
<0x1927> gpgme_release: call: ctx=0x20c2550
As requested by @kylehuff, here's the code for the key selection:
search_key_result_t gpgme::find_key(const std::string & key_id, const bool priv_key_only, gpgme_key_t *k, std::string *const error)
error -> clear();
*k = NULL;
gpgme_ctx_t ctx = NULL;
if (!my_gpgme_new(&ctx, false, error))
return SK_ERROR;
gpgme_error_t err = gpgme_op_keylist_start(ctx, key_id.c_str(), priv_key_only ? 1 : 0);
if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)
error -> append(format("Problem searching for %s: %s (%d)", key_id.c_str(), gpg_strerror(err), err));
return SK_ERROR;
err = gpgme_op_keylist_next(ctx, k);
if (err == GPG_ERR_EOF)
return SK_NOT_FOUND;
if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)
error -> append(format("Problem finding %s: %s (%d)", key_id.c_str(), gpg_strerror(err), err));
return SK_ERROR;
return SK_FOUND;
Then in the constructor I do:
std::string error;
if (find_key(my_key_id, true, &my_key, &error) != SK_FOUND)
error_exit(false, "Cannot find key %s: %s", my_key_id.c_str(), error.c_str());
and when it is time to sign:
if (find_key(target_uid, false, &recipient[0], error) != SK_FOUND)
err = gpgme_signers_add(ctx, my_key);
if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)
error -> append(format("gpgme_signers_add(%s) failed: %s (%d)", my_key_id.c_str(), gpg_strerror(err), err));
int n_signers = gpgme_signers_count(ctx);
if (n_signers != 1)
error -> append(format("Number of signers (%d) not expected number (1)", n_signers));
err = gpgme_op_encrypt_sign(ctx, recipient, GPGME_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST /* FIXME */, data_in, sig);
if (err != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)
error -> append(format("gpgme_op_encrypt failed: %s (%d)", gpg_strerror(err), err));
@kylehuff, is this what you requested? Thanks
Here's the listing for 20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589:
pub:u:2048:1:CC73A8A60BF38589:2015-06-04:::u:testkey3 (testkey3) <[email protected]>::scESC:
folkert@travelmate:~$ gpg2 --local-user 14B7E8E6 --sign bla.txt
folkert@travelmate:~$ gpg --verify bla.txt.gpg gpg: Signature made Thu 18 Jun 2015 07:18:17 PM UTC using RSA key ID 74D6F5C6 gpg: Good signature from "testkey2 (testkey2) "
and with edit key I can see that 74d6f5c6 is indeed the sign sub-key:
sub 1024R/74D6F5C6 created: 2015-05-31 expires: never usage: S
So I'm a bit surprised that this doesn't work for gpgme. Not doing the find but directly the gpgme_get_key() gives the same error.
method and the key selection? In the debug output you provided, they key selected does not match any of keys listed at the top of your question. The operationgpgme_signers_add
is using key "20CD3FF80DA6C1E46CD9F135CC73A8A60BF38589", is that a key you have the both public and private parts, and just not listed?