I am using vegan::rarecurve on community data.


Unfortunately, I am getting an error and cannot figure out how to fix it.

Error in seq.default(1, tot[i], by = step) : wrong sign in 'by' argument

I tried


to no avail.

I already generated a tabasco() graph and performed a Wisconsin standardization on the data frame without any problem.


1 Answer 1


There is no reproducible example. However, your usage is wrong. Function rarecurve needs input data of counts: it samples individuals from each sampling unit (row), and therefore you must have data on individuals. The error is caused by the use of wisconsin(lac.com.data): after that all rowSums(lac.com.data) will be 1, and your data are non-integers. You cannot use rarecurve for wisconsin() transformed data or any other non-integer data. Here the error manifests because the estimated numbers of individuals (rowSums of transformed data which are all 1) are lower than the number of species (>1).

Obviously we need to check input in rarecurve. We assumed that people would know what kind input is needed, but we were wrong.

  • Thanks for the response Jari. I tried running it without the Wisconsin standardization (ie on a raw contingency matrix of integer counts) and ran into the same problem. Is there an efficient way to upload a large contingency table so that I can show what my lac.com.data dataframe looks like? Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 1:58
  • Nothing in your message points to the problems with the size of the input matrix. You really should try to make a minimal example that fails. I bet that if you make such a minimal example, you can identify the problem yourself. So please try. If you get exactly the same error message as in your matrix, then I see two potential problems: you really do have non-integer data, or you have empty observations (some rowSums are zero). If you got some other error message, then the problem may be different. I don't know because you don't tell. Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 6:37
  • Thank you. It was because I had a few rows that summed to zero. I wasn't suggesting that the size of the matrix was causing the function to fail. I merely wanted to show you the dataframe I was using that was causing the problem. However, I don't know/want to post a 51x54 dataframe on here and was asking, for future knowledge, how to do so in an efficient manner so that potential responders can see the input without having a large, awkwardly formatted dataframe in the text of my initial question. Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 12:14
  • I now see the link MrFlick linked to, which was very helpful. My one issue is to say that if I had merely selected some of the rows, or chosen appropriate data, then the error probably would not have appeared as it did when I ran the whole dataframe, given that only two rows were all zeros. Nevertheless, Jari was able to solve my problem. Thanks all. Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 12:21
  • Jari, I was hoping you could answer one more question since I have you and your wealth of knowledge here. I was hoping to use rarecurve() to see whether I had taken enough counts in different land management types. I currently have 5 types and 10 samples for each. Is there a way (arguments) to use rarecurve() (editing the the function itself) so that each management type is a separate line in the output graph, or will I have to sum each management type (so I only have 5 rows, 1 for each type) and then run 'rarecurve()' on that edited dataframe? Thanks. Commented Jun 17, 2015 at 12:27

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