I removed a Magento extension manually via the server in order to see if it was causing blank pages on a site. I now get the following error while trying to access the admin panel:

Mage registry key "_singleton/[Extension_Model_Core]" already exists

I have so far:

  • made sure all extension files were removed from their appropriate places
  • cleared the cache (rm -rf var/cache/*)
  • cleared the session (rm -rf var/session/*)
  • disabled, cleared and reactivated compiler (php shell/compiler.php --disable/clear/compile)

The error persists. Note that I no longer have access to the admin panel so everything must be done via ssh/ftp.


  • 1
    Check the table core_resource and delete all related to that extension Jun 18, 2015 at 13:27
  • @AlexColoma Thanks for the suggestion but there is no mention of the extension within the core_resource table. It wasn't actually causing the original issue (blank pages) so I've put the module files back. Though I am intrigued as to why this error would show after everything had been moved and the caches cleared.
    – shennan
    Jun 19, 2015 at 9:01


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