A UI allows users to select one or many tags. I would like to select all Nodes that have ALL that tags the user entered associated, not just a single tag.

public JsonResult SearchNodesByTags(string[] tags)
    var dbTags = _DbContext.Tags.Where(t => tags.Contains(t.DisplayName)).ToList();
    var nodes = _DbContext.Nodes.Where(n => n.Tags.Intersect(dbTags).Any());  
    // Error about intersection with non primitive

    return Json(nodes);

2 Answers 2


You can do this in one statement:

var nodes = _DbContext.Nodes
            .Where(n => n.Tags.All(t => tags.Contains(t.DisplayName)));

Your statement is not correct because dbTags is a local list containing Tag objects. When you use this list in a LINQ-to-Entities expression there is no way to translate these objects into SQL variables. That's only possible with primitive values.

  • 1
    That worked, you just forgot the: t => tags.Contains(t.DisplayName) If you modify this, I will mark your answer as correct.
    – blgrnboy
    Jun 19, 2015 at 21:48
  • Actually, I am getting a circular reference problem now. This is probably because I have a many to many relationship between Nodes and Tags.
    – blgrnboy
    Jun 19, 2015 at 21:59
  • I'd propose you put this into a new question, because I need more details to see what exactly is going on. I don't know where/how you get this circular reference problem. Jun 19, 2015 at 22:01
  • I solved that problem, however, it seems that I am getting the incorrect result. Here is my query: var nodes = _DbContext.Nodes.Where(n => n.Tags.All(t => tags.Contains(t.DisplayName))).Select(n => new {n.NodeNativeId, n.NodeName, n.NodeClass.ClassName}).ToList(); I am getting back a node that isn't associated with the tag. It also happens to be the name with the highest ID.
    – blgrnboy
    Jun 19, 2015 at 22:07
  • Again, please ask a new question if subsequent issues arise. It's very hard to read code in comments and it's impossible to give enough details. For instance, "incorrect results" needs lots more explanation. Jun 19, 2015 at 22:10
var nodes = _DbContext.Nodes.Where(n => n.Tags.Intersect(dbTags).Any());

First of all, you can't use objects in a Linq-to-Entities expression, so you'd have to use something like this to compare:

n.Tags.Select(t => t.DisplayName).Intersect(tags)

Second, Intersect will give you the set of items that are in both given sets, so you'll end up with all Nodes that has any of the tags, instead of all nodes that have all of the tags.

If you want all the Nodes that contain every Tag in tags, you might want to use the answer from here on subsets:

    .Where(n => !tags.Except(n.Tags.Select(t => t.DisplayName)).Any()) 
  • set1.Except(set2) contains elements of set1 that aren't in set2
  • !set1.Except(set2).Any() == true if set2 includes every element of set1

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