I am new to hadoop. I just installed it and started working on it.

Every thing is running correctly but i am unable to find input and output directory in my laptop which is created by following command.

  hadoop fs -mkdir /home/hadoop/input


  hadoop fs -mkdir /home/hadoop/output

i want to mention again that i am able to perform operation on these input and output direcories, but these directory are not shown by following command

  $ ls /home/hadoop

please answer why directory are invisible to me. Thanks..

1 Answer 1


The command

hadoop fs -mkdir /home/hadoop/input

makes that directory on the distributed file system, not your local machine. To see that directory go to http://{namenodeIPAddr}:50070 in firefox/chrome/IE/whatever and click the Browse link. Also, similar to how you created the folder using the above command, you can view them by running the following from the command line.

hadoop fs -ls /home/hadoop
  • please suggest in little bit detail that how to see directory. I am unable to understand which browser link are you talking about. I am new to hadoop. Jun 28, 2015 at 0:41
  • 1
    You will be having a web app which gives you details of namenode and datanode. The default port is 50070. So if namenode is up and running, you should see this link working in you system. There you can go to Browse link and see the new folder created. As @JHowIX said, you can use hadoop fs -ls /home/hadoop command also to see the folder created from the shell
    – Ramzy
    Jun 28, 2015 at 0:50
  • 1
    @SUSHANTSRIVASTAVA - I made some edits to my answer, please let me know if that clears it up
    – JHowIX
    Jun 28, 2015 at 1:17

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