While creating a WPF application which includes a PasswordBox control, I tried to set the PasswordChar to display '<' instead of '*'. I wrote the following code:

<PasswordBox PasswordChar="<"></PasswordBox>

When using this code, the following error is reported:

Error 1 The value "<" is not valid in an attribute.

  • I might have up-voted this question if you had showed the error message that you were receiving.
    – user700390
    Commented Jun 29, 2015 at 11:43

4 Answers 4


Use this instead:

<PasswordBox PasswordChar="&lt;"></PasswordBox>

You'll find a comprehensive list of symbols and how to write them in XAML in this MSDN article: XML Character Entities and XAML


< is a special character in XML. You need to use &lt;, as in:

<PasswordBox PasswordChar="&lt;" />

or set it in code.


<PasswordBox x:Name="tbPassword" />


tbPassword.PasswordChar = '<';

'<' is a reserved character, try using this instead:

<PasswordBox PasswordChar="&lt;"></PasswordBox>

You will have to use &lt; for < and &gt; for > in xaml:

 <PasswordBox PasswordChar="&lt;"></PasswordBox> 

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