I would like to add a custom Tab to bugsnag for all notifications generated by my rails app.

I cannot use :before_bugsnag_notify because the errors are sometimes generated by models which are being called from resque background jobs.

So, I settled on using middleware and I am running to some issues here:

so I went through this guide here: https://bugsnag.com/docs/notifiers/ruby#bugsnag-middleware

and added my middleware at app/middleware as follows:

  class CustomMiddleware
    def initialize(bugsnag)
      @bugsnag = bugsnag

    def call(notification)
        puts "doing something"

The config file for bugsnag is as follows:

in config/initializers/bugsnag.rb:

Bugsnag.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "#{ENV['BUGSNAG_API_KEY']}"
  config.middleware.use "CustomMiddleWare"

Eventually, I would like to add a tab using add_tab() method before @bugsnag.call(), but now I keep running into the error that I cannot fix:

** [Bugsnag] Bugsnag middleware error: undefined method `new' for "CustomMiddleWare":String

Any ideas?

Edit: I had to put the method name is strings because of this: Where do you put your Rack middleware files and requires?


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