I am trying to plot a matrix with 2000 columns and 200000 rows. I can test plot and test export the matrix figure fine when the matrix is small using
However, when more rows are added to my_matrix, the figure becomes very narrow as there are way more rows than columns, thus losing the precision when zooming in. Can I make matrix figure scrollable? If not, how can I visualize such matrix without losing precision?
I also tried to call savefig('filename', dpi=300) in order to save the image without losing too much precision, but it throws MemoryError when the matrix is big. Many thanks!
will fix the aspect problem, but your pixels will be rectangles not squares. I have done things with 2k x 150k, but it is starting to push the limits of what mpl can do (there are some hard-coded 32 bit integers in the c++ rasterization code).