I have four table like this:

companies (title, description)

company_users (company_id, user_id)

users (id, group_id)

user_profiles (user_id, fullname)

I want to list campaigns.

My code is this:

SELECT companies.*, user_profiles.fullname as company_contact
FROM companies
INNER JOIN company_users ON companies.id = company_users.company_id
INNER JOIN users ON company_users.user_id = users.id AND users.group_id=500
INNER JOIN user_profiles ON users.id = user_profiles.user_id;

When i add a new campaign does not appear. Because company_id not in company_users.

How can i fix this?

Note: Eeach campaign must have only one user. This user's group_id is 500.

Thank You



1   |   Test Company    |   Test Desciption
2   |   Test Company 2  |   Test Description 2

1   |   18  |   1
2   |   19  |   1

18  |   500     
19  |   900

18  |   18  |   Test Contact
19  |   19  |   Test User


1   Test Company    Test Description    Test Contact
1   Test Company    Test Description    NULL
2   Test Company 2  Test Description 2  NULL


1   Test Company    Test Description    Test Contact

I need this:

1   Test Company    Test Description    Test Contact
1   Test Company 2  Test Description 2  NULL
  • user LEFT JOIN instead of INNER JOIN this is basic SQL this is good reading stackoverflow.com/questions/38549/…
    – Jaylen
    Jul 6, 2015 at 0:49
  • Nope this is not simple likely this. When i use LEFT, listed all companies with all users. I need only list companies that group_id eq 500. I updated my answer. Query results added Jul 6, 2015 at 10:50

1 Answer 1


It sounds like we want outer join operations.

We can replace all occurrences of the keyword INNER with the keyword LEFT.

Then the query will return rows from companies even when no matching row is found in company_users.


In response to question edit that provides additional information.

If we want to return every row in companies, along with the fullname of a single row from a related user (as shown in the desired resultset), we could use a correlate subquery in the SELECT list, rather than a join operation.

For example:

  SELECT c.*
       , ( SELECT p.fullname
             FROM company_users cu
             JOIN users ON u.id = cu.user_id AND u.group_id=500
             JOIN user_profiles p ON p.user_id = u.id 
            WHERE cu.company_id = c.id
            ORDER BY p.fullname ASC
            LIMIT 1
         ) AS company_contact
    FROM companies c

The subquery includes a reference to the id column in companies. For each row returned from the outer query (each row from companies), the subquery in the SELECT list is executed, using the id value from the companies row,

If the subquery doesn't find a row to return, a NULL value is returned. The LIMIT 1 clause ensures that we return at most one row (if the subquery returns more than one row, there will be an error returned.) The ORDER BY is included just to make the result more deterministic. That is, if the subquery happens to return more than one row, the ORDER BY will sort the rows, and the LIMIT 1 will get the first of the sorted rows.

  • Thank you for your answer. When i use LEFT, listed all companies with all users. I need only list companies that group_id eq 500. I updated my answer. Query results added Jul 6, 2015 at 10:56
  • I added an example query that makes use of a correlated subquery to return the fullname from the user_profiles table, instead of using join operations. Jul 6, 2015 at 14:21

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