I would like to be able to generate a confidence interval from a model that I create with the package caret. This can be done using predict(model, data, interval = "confidence") when the model is created with lm(). However, when I try the same command with a model created with caret's train() function, I get the following error:

Error in extractPrediction(list(object), unkX = newdata, unkOnly = TRUE,  : 
  unused argument (interval = "confidence")

This is true even when I set method = "lm" in the train function. Does anyone know how to get a confidence interval from such an object? Preferably using predict so the format is the same.


  • Please read error messages and help pages. It's telling you there is no parameter to the extractPrediction-function named "interval". Since the inference model for resampling procedures is different than for the usual use of lm, you might want to adjust your expectations.
    – IRTFM
    Commented Jul 6, 2015 at 22:26

1 Answer 1


Found out how to do this! caret objects do in fact store the original model, beneath a huge pile of metadata. You can access this model with my_model_name$finalModel. Thus, to find the confidence interval, you would call predict(my_model_name$finalModel, my_data, interval = "confidence").

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