Now, before you all jump on me and say "you're over concerned about performance," let it hereby stand that I ask this more out of curiosity than rather an overzealous nature. That said...

I am curious if there is a performance difference between use of the && ("and") operator and nested if statements. Also, is there an actual processing difference? I.e., does && always process both statements, or will it stop @ the first one if the first one fails? How would that be different than nested if statements?

Examples to be clear:

A) && ("and") operator

if(a == b && c == d) { ...perform some code fashizzle... }

versus B) nested if statements

if(a == b) {
    if(c == d) { ...perform some code fashizzle... }
  • 1
    Plus one for proper grammar and spelling. Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 13:17

4 Answers 4


The performance difference is negligible. The && operator won't check the right hand expression when the left hand expression evaluates false. However, the & operator will check both regardless, maybe your confusion is caused by this fact.

In this particular example, I'd just choose the one using &&, since that's better readable.

  • 2
    Wasn't aware of forced & operator. That's interesting!
    – arxpoetica
    Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 2:56
  • 19
    Note that & is the /bitwise/ and operator. Thinking of it as a 'forced' version of && isn't quite correct. Example: 1 && 2 is 2 while 1 & 2 is 0. Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 3:10

If you're concerned about performance, then make sure that a==b is more likely to fail than c==d. That way the if statement will fail early.

  • 1
    Could someone shed some light on why I got a down vote on my answer? Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 3:20
  • I don't know -- your suggestion seems fine to me so I've upvoted you. Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 3:47
  • My guess is the -1 was because it doesn't reeaally address the question, which was a curiosity about a particular point of Javascript, rather than general optimization.
    – Matchu
    Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 3:50
  • @Warren - Thanks. :) @Matchu - Well, it was already addressed by so many others in the thread. I just wanted to give him a hint on what to think about when it comes to IF statement design and performance. But I appreciate your comment. Thanks. Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 3:55

Like nested ifs, && is lazy.
The expression a && b will only evaluate b if a is truthful.

Therefore, the two cases should be completely identical, in both functionality and performance.

  • 2
    You probably meant "will only evaluate b if a is truthful". Commented Jun 27, 2010 at 2:52

A peformance test might help clear things up: http://jsperf.com/simey-if-vs-if

Seems the performance difference is incredibly negligable between the two; However as @Gert mentioned, failing early really improves things.

  • 1
    To further this test case, I created a JSPerf (jsperf.com/operator-if-vs-nested-if) where the 2nd check is a slower performing one and the first is just a boolean. This gives a good comparison between the parser ignoring the 2nd check with the && operator and nesting the checks. In my test, using inline && is actually slightly faster than nested ifs (but only about ~0.1%)
    – Mark
    Commented Sep 1, 2018 at 0:07
  • oh nice, Mark, your test shows much clearer the benefit of failing early!
    – simey.me
    Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 1:53

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