I am trying to do a dataframe transformation that I cannot solve. I have tried multiple approaches from stackoverflow and the pandas documentation: apply, apply(lambda: ...), pivots, and joins. Too many attempts to list here, but not sure which approach is the best or if maybe I tried the right approach with the wrong syntax.
Basically, I have a dataframe, and I need to 1) offset the columns, 2) the number of columns to offset by varies and depends on a variable in the dataframe, 3) create columns at the end of the dataframe where needed to accommodate the offset, and 4) place zeros in the newly created intervals.
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'first' : ['John', 'Mary', 'Larry', 'jerry'], '1' : [5.5, 6.0,10,20], '2' : [100, 200, 300, 400], '3' : [150, 100, 240, 110], 'offset' : ([1,0,2,1])})
goal_df = pd.DataFrame({'first' : ['John', 'Mary', 'Larry', 'jerry'], '1' : [0.0, 6.0, 0.0, 0], '2' : [5.5, 200, 0.0, 20], '3' : [100, 100, 10, 400], '4' : [150, 0.0, 300, 110], '5' : [0.0, 0.0, 240, 0.0]})
1 2 3 first offset
5.5 100 150 John 1
6.0 200 100 Mary 0
10.0 300 240 Larry 2
20.0 400 110 jerry 1
1 2 3 4 5 first
0 5.5 100 150 0 John
6 200.0 100 0 0 Mary
0 0.0 10 300 240 Larry
0 20.0 400 110 0 jerry
This data set will have c. 500 rows and c. 120 columns. The amount of the offset will very between 0-12. I thought about doing this with base Python functions, but I also found that difficult and the time consumer by the program would defeat the ultimate purpose which is to remove some tasks being done in Microsoft Excel.
I complain a lot about how Excel is inferior for big tasks like this, but it seems so far that the current spreadsheet offset() function in excel does do this in a very easy to use way but with thousands of formulas, is very slow. I have sold my workplace on the benefits of Python over Excel, and this is my first real trial, so speed is very important to me because I'm trying to convince my colleagues that Python can gobble up this spreadsheet much quicker than the current excel file weighing in a 96Mb in file size.
I came pretty close with the melt() function, and then taking the former column numbers and added the offset to them. However, I've had a lot of problems trying to reform the dataframe using pivot. No luck with apply or apply(lambda)!
Thanks for any help anyone can give!