I created an ASP.NET EF application with MySQL using the following tutorial: http://www.asp.net/identity/overview/getting-started/aspnet-identity-using-mysql-storage-with-an-entityframework-mysql-provider Its working but I don't like to set the name of my database hardcoded in the MySqlInitializer class - called myDatabaseName in the following snippet:
var migrationHistoryTableExists = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<int>(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '{0}' AND table_name = '__MigrationHistory'",
I'm looking for a way to get the name of the database from the DbContext dynamically so that I store the database-name only in the connection-string and not a second time in my MySqlInitializer. But I can't find any attribute for the name, neither in the DbContext nor in the Database-attribute of the DbContext.