I'm trying to export a table in Excel to create all day event in Outlook with given subject, start date, end date. Here's what I have:

With olAppt
    .AllDayEvent = True
    .Start = "7/29/2015"
    .End = "7/29/2015"
    .Subject = "All Day Event"
End With

What I get is an event that reads "12:00am All Day Event" and it is placed as a 12:00am event instead of an all day event on the UI of the calendar (the event should not have the 12:00am time attached in front of the subject name but for some reason it is). If I click into the event detail it does have the all day event checkbox checked, and start end time being both 12:00 AM.

I don't want to have to scroll up to see a 12:00am event in the UI but rather a event at the top for where all day event supposed to be placed.

Anyone encountered this issue before? Thank you!

1 Answer 1


From https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff184629.aspx:

To make the appointment an all-day event, you must set the Start property to 12:00 A.M. (midnight) on the day you want the event to begin, and set End property to 12:00 A.M. on the day after you want the event to end. If you set the Start or End time to a date and time value other than 12:00 A.M., the appointment will become a multiday appointment instead of an all-day event. For example, if your event duration is only one day, set the Start property to 12:00 A.M. on the day you want the event to begin, and set the End property to 12:00 A.M. on the following day. You should always set the End property to 12:00 A.M. on a date that is more than one day after the start date.


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