Is there a way to pass a list to RESTFul web service method in Jersey? Something like @PathParam("list") List list?

3 Answers 3


Hope that this will help you

Java code

import java.util.List;

public class CustomerResource {
    public String getCustomers(
            @QueryParam("start") int start,
            @QueryParam("size") int size,
            @QueryParam("orderBy") List<String> orderBy) {
        // ...

Passing value from javascript using AJAX

Ajax call url : /customers?orderBy=name&orderBy=address&orderBy=...


I found out that the best way to send a list via POST from the client to a REST service is by using the @FormParam.
If you add a parameter twice or more times to the form, it will result into a list on the server's side.

Using the @FormParammeans on client side you generate a com.sun.jersey.api.representation.Form and add some form parameters like shown below. Then you add the filled form to the post like that: service.path(..) ... .post(X.class, form) (see example code).

Example-code for the client side:

public String testMethodForList() {

    Form form = new Form();
    form.add("list", "first String");
    form.add("list", "second String");
    form.add("list", "third String");

    return service
            .post(String.class, form);

Example-Code for server side:

public String testMethodForList(       
    @FormParam("list") List<String> list {

    return "The list has " + list.size() + " entries: " 
           + list.get(0) + ", " + list.get(1) + ", " + list.get(2) +".";

The return String will be:

The list has 3 entries: first String, second String, third String.


  • The MediaTypes of @Consumes on server side and .type() on client side have to be identical as well as @Produces and .accept().

  • You can NOT send objects other than String, Integer etc. via @FormParam. In case of an object you'll have to convert it to XML or JSON String and re-convert it on the server side. For how to convert see here.

  • You can also pass a List to the form like form.add(someList), but this will result in a String containing the list's entries on server side. It will look like: [first String, second String, third String]. You'd have to split the String on server side at "," and cut off the square brackets for extracting the single entiries from it.
  • list can also be passed as query params or some standard data format like json, xml, yaml or plain text.
    – Sikorski
    Sep 10, 2013 at 10:57
  • Yes it can. But because you would openly pass all the XML/JSON String in a @QueryParam or @PathParam via the URL (which could be VERY long then, maybe it even get's cut in some cases), I'd recomment the @FormParam. Then the content is send via HTTP, not in the URL.
    – Jana
    Sep 10, 2013 at 12:37
  • i meant to use xml/json in post data not as query param. I think OP doesn't know other ways to send a list, so i was just suggesting.
    – Sikorski
    Sep 10, 2013 at 22:10

If I'm understanding what you're trying to do, you could serialize the List object and pass it as a string.

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