In my rails mountable engine:

config.to_prepare do
  # works fine, and reload automatically in development
  ApplicationController.helper :application

  # works fine, but doesn't reload. After restart server, it works.
  ApplicationController.helper Rails.application.helpers

It looks like fine when arg is symbol or string. But it doesn't work when arg is a module like Rails.application.helpers.

Or is there a good way to get all helpers like [:application, :users] from Rails.application.helpers.

Rails: 4.2.3

2 Answers 2


You can configure autoload_paths of the engine.


module MyEngine
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    config.autoload_paths += Dir[Engine.root.join('app', 'helpers')]


  • 1
    I have already tried autoload_paths, but it doesn't work. And I want to reload main app helpers.
    – akm
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 9:56

for people using rails 6, you might want to try using the classic autoloader instead of zeitwerk

config.autoloader = :classic

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