I'm trying to write a SOAP Web Service that:

  1. accepts one request type A
  2. maps request A to another outbound request type B
  3. sends request B to an external SOAP service
  4. maps the response B back to a response A object (and returns it)

I have this working when the endpoint (B) is statically configured.

But I want to be able to hit a variety of services with varying request/response types. These would probably be configured via a properties file.

Is it possible to do this in some generic/dynamic way?

Here's my spring camel XML:

<!— SOAP inbound service —>

<!— SOAP outbound service —>

<!— MAP from inbound SOAP request object to external SOAP request object —>
<bean id="mapAToB_RequestProcessor" class="com.yngwietiger.MyProcessor"/>

<!— MAP external SOAP response to a response for the initial/inbound SOAP request —>
<bean id="mapBToA_ResponseProcessor" class="com.yngwietiger.MyPostProcessor"/>

<camel:camelContext id="camelContext">


        <camel:from uri="cxf:bean:paymentService_A"/>
        <camel:process ref="mapAToB_RequestProcessor"/>
        <camel:to uri="cxf:bean:paymentService_B"/>
        <camel:process ref="mapBToA_ResponseProcessor"/>



Obviously, I'm using Camel's cxfEndpoint bean. But I don't see any way to set the address, wsdlURL, etc for each request. Is that possible?

Or am I going to have to build a route for each type? If so, how do I build one of these cxfEndpoints dynamically?

Would using Spring's WS Template be more flexible?

Is there a better way that I should be doing this?

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers 2


Camel Recipient List would better fit into your requirement. This is the link, http://camel.apache.org/recipient-list.html. You have to generate the dynamic endpoint and set into the header somewhere in the route and call the recipient list.


I think you can use HTTP endpoint for your outbound message. As it is done in the example here

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