My understanding was that in Perl we pass hashes to functions by reference

Consider the following example, where we modify the hash in the modifyHash function


my %hash;

$hash{"A"} = "1";
$hash{"B"} = "2";

print (keys %hash);
print "\n";


print (keys %hash);
print "\n";

sub modifyHash {
    my $hashRef = @_[0];
    my %myHash = %$hashRef;
    $myHash{"C"} = "3";
    print (keys %myHash);
    print "\n";

The output of this script is:


I would have expected it to be:


...as we pass the hash by reference.

What concept am I missing here about passing hashes to functions?

  • 2
    Can't explain why someone downvoted other than downvotes happen for many reasons, some irrational. Anyway, this action: my %myHash = %$hashRef; constitutes "pass by value" or "copy by value". There is no lingering binding between %myHash and $hashRef
    – DavidO
    Aug 7, 2015 at 20:11

2 Answers 2


That's because when you do my %myHash = %$hashRef;, you're taking a copy of the dereferenced $hashref and putting it into %myHash which is the same thing as my %myHash = %hash;, so you're not working on the referenced hash at all.

To work on the hash specified by the reference, try this...

sub modifyHash {
    my $hashRef = $_[0];
    $hashRef->{"C"} = "3";
    print (keys %$hashRef);
    print "\n";

As pointed out by ThisSuitIsBlackNot in the comments below, @_[0] is better written as $_[0]. You should always be using use strict; and use warnings;, as this would have been caught. Because you're sending in a reference, you could also have used my $hashRef = shift;.

  • 2
    my $hashRef = @_[0]; better written as my $hashRef = $_[0]; (which the OP would know if they used warnings) Aug 7, 2015 at 18:07
  • Totally agreed... either that or shift. I just copy/pasted for the example. I'll fix it for other readers in the future. Thanks.
    – stevieb
    Aug 7, 2015 at 18:11

The problem is with the assignment:

my %myHash = %$hashRef;

This is akin to saying:

$x = 5;
$y = $x;

You're not setting $y to reference the same spot in memory, you're just giving the value of $x to $y. In your example, you're creating a new hash (%myHash) and giving it the value of the hash stored at $hashRef. Any future changes are to the new hash, not the original.

If you want to manipulate the original, you should do something like:

${$hashRef}{"C"} = "3";


$hashRef->{"D"} = 4;

There might be a more elegant way of doing it, but as far as I know you want to work with the hash reference.

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