In this specific case of binding commands, it doesn't really matter.
In other cases, i.e. having a class that gets a service injected via constructor and you want to expose it (for whatever reason), it is important to use a read-only properties.
For example:
public class MainViewModel
public INavigationService NavigationService { get; }
public MainViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
if(navigationService == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(navigationServie);
NavigationService = navigationService;
When using this, you guarantee this class invariants and it is assuring that NavigationService
will never be null
, hence you don't need to do null checks against NavigationService
before using it. Once it leaves the constructor, it can't ever be changed (well, except through reflection).
On the other side if you have
public class MainViewModel
public INavigationService NavigationService { get; private set; }
public MainViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
if(navigationService == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(navigationServie);
NavigationService = navigationService;
then it's possible to write code (by mistake or by a unexperienced developer) which does NavigationService = null
and then if you don't have null-checks and access it, you will get a NullReferenceException
and if not handled your application crashes.
Coming back to your example: In case of ICommand
... you usually don't access Commands within your ViewModel, only assign it (usually in the constructor or when your view model's content changes, like a child viewmodel changed and you want to assign it's command to the parent viewmodel command property).
In case of a list:
If you never do Screenshots = new List<ScreenShot>()
or Screenshots = DisplayScreenshots()
in your code and only initialize it in the constructor, then it's indeed better to make it read only for the same reason: Then you can guarantee that Screenshots
is never null and you won't have to write code such as
if(Screenshots != null)
Screenshots.Add(new Screenshot(...));
if(Screenshot == null)
Screenshots = new List<Screenshot>();
Screenshots.Add(new Screenshot(...));
again and instead always use
Screenshots.Add(new Screenshot(...));
This has a huge advantage that you need less code, your code is more readable and more maintainable, since you can't "forget" a null-check and risk a NullReferenceException
Hope that cleared it up.
fields, they can be set in the object construction/initialization but not later. The private setter doesn't guarantee that other methods can't modify its value after construction.AddCommand
accessor is missing.ICommand
doesn't change after its set. If its better or not is a matter of opinion but if it doesn't change, and you are using C#6, it can make things easier to understand and give compile errors if you try to reassign it on accident.