How can I compare strings in a case insensitive way in Python?

I would like to encapsulate comparison of a regular strings to a repository string, using simple and Pythonic code. I also would like to have ability to look up values in a dict hashed by strings using regular python strings.


15 Answers 15


Assuming ASCII strings:

string1 = 'Hello'
string2 = 'hello'

if string1.lower() == string2.lower():
    print("The strings are the same (case insensitive)")
    print("The strings are NOT the same (case insensitive)")

As of Python 3.3, casefold() is a better alternative:

string1 = 'Hello'
string2 = 'hello'

if string1.casefold() == string2.casefold():
    print("The strings are the same (case insensitive)")
    print("The strings are NOT the same (case insensitive)")

If you want a more comprehensive solution that handles more complex unicode comparisons, see other answers.

  • 91
    That doesn’t always work. Consider for exanmple that there are two Greek sigmas, one only used at the end. The string Σίσυφος (“Sísyphos”, or better “Síſyphos”) has all three: uppercase at the front, lowercase final at the end, and lowercase nonfinal at the third position. If your two strings are Σίσυφος and ΣΊΣΥΦΟΣ, then your approach fails, because those are supposed to be the same case insensitively.
    – tchrist
    Commented Jul 19, 2012 at 13:42
  • 67
    @ The last two commenters: I think it's fair to assume both strings are ascii strings. If you're looking for an answer to something a bit more exciting I'm sure it's out there (or you can ask it). Commented Jul 20, 2012 at 1:34
  • 29
    Problem: 'ß'.lower() == 'SS'.lower() is False.
    – kennytm
    Commented Aug 28, 2013 at 14:10
  • 13
    Greek letters is not the only special case! In U.S. English, the character "i" (\u0069) is the lowercase version of the character "I" (\u0049). However, the Turkish ("tr-TR") alphabet includes an "I with a dot" character "İ" (\u0130), which is the capital version of "i" and "I" is the captical version of "i without a dot" character, "ı" (\u0131).
    – user746461
    Commented Dec 10, 2013 at 2:08
  • 34
    @HarleyHolcombe how is it safe (or fair) to assume the strings are ascii? The question did not specify, and if the strings are at any point entered by or show to a user, then you should be supporting internationalization. Regardless, new programmers will be reading this and we should give them the truly correct answer. Commented Apr 27, 2016 at 18:28

Comparing strings in a case insensitive way seems trivial, but it's not. I will be using Python 3, since Python 2 is underdeveloped here.

The first thing to note is that case-removing conversions in Unicode aren't trivial. There is text for which text.lower() != text.upper().lower(), such as "ß":

>>> "ß".lower()
>>> "ß".upper().lower()

But let's say you wanted to caselessly compare "BUSSE" and "Buße". Heck, you probably also want to compare "BUSSE" and "BUẞE" equal - that's the newer capital form. The recommended way is to use casefold:


Return a casefolded copy of the string. Casefolded strings may be used for caseless matching.

Casefolding is similar to lowercasing but more aggressive because it is intended to remove all case distinctions in a string. [...]

Do not just use lower. If casefold is not available, doing .upper().lower() helps (but only somewhat).

Then you should consider accents. If your font renderer is good, you probably think "ê" == "ê" - but it doesn't:

>>> "ê" == "ê"

This is because the accent on the latter is a combining character.

>>> import unicodedata
>>> [unicodedata.name(char) for char in "ê"]
>>> [unicodedata.name(char) for char in "ê"]

The simplest way to deal with this is unicodedata.normalize. You probably want to use NFKD normalization, but feel free to check the documentation. Then one does

>>> unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", "ê") == unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", "ê")

To finish up, here this is expressed in functions:

import unicodedata

def normalize_caseless(text):
    return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", text.casefold())

def caseless_equal(left, right):
    return normalize_caseless(left) == normalize_caseless(right)
  • 16
    A better solution is to normalize all your strings on intake, then you can just do x.casefold() == y.casefold() for case-insensitive comparisons (and, more importantly, x == y for case-sensitive).
    – abarnert
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 10:44
  • 7
    @abarnert Indeed, depending on context - sometimes it's better to leave the source intact but upfront normalization can also make later code much simpler.
    – Veedrac
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 12:13
  • 5
    @Veedrac: You're right, it's not always appropriate; if you need to be able to output the original source unchanged (e.g., because you're dealing with filenames on Linux, where NKFC and NKFD are both allowed and explicitly supposed to be different), obviously you can't transform it on input…
    – abarnert
    Commented May 1, 2015 at 22:14
  • 8
    Unicode Standard section 3.13 has two other definitions for caseless comparisons: (D146, canonical) NFD(toCasefold(NFD(str))) on both sides and (D147, compatibility) NFKD(toCasefold(NFKD(toCasefold(NFD(X))))) on both sides. It states the inner NFD is solely to handle a certain Greek accent character. I guess it's all about the edge cases.
    – user2379410
    Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 17:06
  • 2
    And a bit of fun with the Cherokee alphabet, where casefold() goes to uppercase:>>> "ᏚᎢᎵᎬᎢᎬᏒ".upper() 'ᏚᎢᎵᎬᎢᎬᏒ' >>> "ᏚᎢᎵᎬᎢᎬᏒ".lower() 'ꮪꭲꮅꭼꭲꭼꮢ' >>> "ᏚᎢᎵᎬᎢᎬᏒ".casefold() 'ᏚᎢᎵᎬᎢᎬᏒ' >>>
    – bortzmeyer
    Commented Oct 2, 2017 at 18:41

Using Python 2, calling .lower() on each string or Unicode object...

string1.lower() == string2.lower()

...will work most of the time, but indeed doesn't work in the situations @tchrist has described.

Assume we have a file called unicode.txt containing the two strings Σίσυφος and ΣΊΣΥΦΟΣ. With Python 2:

>>> utf8_bytes = open("unicode.txt", 'r').read()
>>> print repr(utf8_bytes)
>>> u = utf8_bytes.decode('utf8')
>>> print u

>>> first, second = u.splitlines()
>>> print first.lower()
>>> print second.lower()
>>> first.lower() == second.lower()
>>> first.upper() == second.upper()

The Σ character has two lowercase forms, ς and σ, and .lower() won't help compare them case-insensitively.

However, as of Python 3, all three forms will resolve to ς, and calling lower() on both strings will work correctly:

>>> s = open('unicode.txt', encoding='utf8').read()
>>> print(s)

>>> first, second = s.splitlines()
>>> print(first.lower())
>>> print(second.lower())
>>> first.lower() == second.lower()
>>> first.upper() == second.upper()

So if you care about edge-cases like the three sigmas in Greek, use Python 3.

(For reference, Python 2.7.3 and Python 3.3.0b1 are shown in the interpreter printouts above.)

  • 20
    To make the comparison even more robust, starting with Python 3.3 you can use casefold (e.g., first.casefold() == second.casefold()). For Python 2 you can use PyICU (see also: icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/…)
    – kgriffs
    Commented Jan 2, 2014 at 16:38

Section 3.13 of the Unicode standard defines algorithms for caseless matching.

X.casefold() == Y.casefold() in Python 3 implements the "default caseless matching" (D144).

Casefolding does not preserve the normalization of strings in all instances and therefore the normalization needs to be done ('å' vs. 'å'). D145 introduces "canonical caseless matching":

import unicodedata

def NFD(text):
    return unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text)

def canonical_caseless(text):
    return NFD(NFD(text).casefold())

NFD() is called twice for very infrequent edge cases involving U+0345 character.


>>> 'å'.casefold() == 'å'.casefold()
>>> canonical_caseless('å') == canonical_caseless('å')

There are also compatibility caseless matching (D146) for cases such as '㎒' (U+3392) and "identifier caseless matching" to simplify and optimize caseless matching of identifiers.

  • 6
    This is the best answer for Python 3, because Python 3 uses Unicode strings and the answer describes how the Unicode standard defines caseless string matching. Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 17:23
  • Unfortunately, as of Python 3.6, the casefold() function does not implement the special case treatment of uppercase I and dotted uppercase I as described in Case Folding Properties. Therefore, the comparison may fail for words from Turkic languages that contain those letters. For example, canonical_caseless('LİMANI') == canonical_caseless('limanı') must return True, but it returns False. Currently, the only way to deal with this in Python is to write a casefold wrapper or use an external Unicode library, such as PyICU. Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 18:17
  • @SergiyKolesnikov .casefold() behaves as it should as far as I can tell. From the standard: "the default casing operations are intended for use in the absence of tailoring for particular languages and environments". Casing rules for the Turkish dotted capital I and dotless small i are in SpecialCasing.txt. "For non-Turkic languages, this mapping is normally not used." From the Unicode FAQ: Q: Why aren't there extra characters encoded to support locale-independent casing for Turkish?
    – jfs
    Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 20:13
  • 1
    @j-f-sebastian I didn't say that casefold() misbehaves. It just would be practical if it implemented an optional parameter that enabled the special treatment of uppercase and dotted uppercase I. For example, the way the foldCase() in the ICU library does it: "Case-folding is locale-independent and not context-sensitive, but there is an option for whether to include or exclude mappings for dotted I and dotless i that are marked with 'T' in CaseFolding.txt." Commented Dec 23, 2016 at 22:02
  • @jfs Thanks for sharing this solution. It worked for me. Commented Jan 19, 2021 at 7:59

You can use casefold() method. The casefold() method ignores cases when comparing.

firstString = "Hi EVERYONE"
secondString = "Hi everyone"

if firstString.casefold() == secondString.casefold():
    print('The strings are equal.')
    print('The strings are not equal.')


The strings are equal.

I saw this solution here using regex.

import re
if re.search('mandy', 'Mandy Pande', re.IGNORECASE):
# is True

It works well with accents

In [42]: if re.search("ê","ê", re.IGNORECASE):
....:        print(1)

However, it doesn't work with unicode characters case-insensitive. Thank you @Rhymoid for pointing out that as my understanding was that it needs the exact symbol, for the case to be true. The output is as follows:

In [36]: "ß".lower()
Out[36]: 'ß'
In [37]: "ß".upper()
Out[37]: 'SS'
In [38]: "ß".upper().lower()
Out[38]: 'ss'
In [39]: if re.search("ß","ßß", re.IGNORECASE):
....:        print(1)
In [40]: if re.search("SS","ßß", re.IGNORECASE):
....:        print(1)
In [41]: if re.search("ß","SS", re.IGNORECASE):
....:        print(1)
  • 7
    The fact that ß is not found within SS with case-insensitive search is evidence that it doesn't work work with Unicode characters at all.
    – user824425
    Commented Aug 19, 2016 at 12:34

The usual approach is to uppercase the strings or lower case them for the lookups and comparisons. For example:

>>> "hello".upper() == "HELLO".upper()

How about converting to lowercase first? you can use string.lower().

  • 5
    You cannot compare their lowercase maps: Σίσυφος and ΣΊΣΥΦΟΣ would not test equivalent, but should.
    – tchrist
    Commented Jul 19, 2012 at 14:27

a clean solution that I found, where I'm working with some constant file extensions.

from pathlib import Path

class CaseInsitiveString(str):
   def __eq__(self, __o: str) -> bool:
      return self.casefold() == __o.casefold()

GZ = CaseInsitiveString(".gz")
ZIP = CaseInsitiveString(".zip")
TAR = CaseInsitiveString(".tar")

path = Path("/tmp/ALL_CAPS.TAR.GZ")

GZ in path.suffixes, ZIP in path.suffixes, TAR in path.suffixes, TAR == ".tAr"

# (True, False, True, True)
  • 1
    Thanks for this! This is a great trick for getting Python "builtins" to work, like list.index() and "in list" to work.
    – aghast
    Commented Aug 23, 2022 at 3:07
  • Would anything else need to be implemented, for Case Insensitive Strings to work nicely as dictionary keys?
    – Ryan Leach
    Commented Nov 16, 2022 at 9:55
  • Yeah you would need to define the __hash__ method in which case you are probably better off using an class StrEnum(str, Enum):... Commented Nov 17, 2022 at 14:10

You can mention case=False in the str.contains()

data['Column_name'].str.contains('abcd', case=False)
def search_specificword(key, stng):
    key = key.lower()
    stng = stng.lower()
    flag_present = False
    if stng.startswith(key+" "):
        flag_present = True
    symb = [',','.']
    for i in symb:
        if stng.find(" "+key+i) != -1:
            flag_present = True
    if key == stng:
        flag_present = True
    if stng.endswith(" "+key):
        flag_present = True
    if stng.find(" "+key+" ") != -1:
        flag_present = True
    return flag_present

Output: search_specificword("Affordable housing", "to the core of affordable outHousing in europe") False

search_specificword("Affordable housing", "to the core of affordable Housing, in europe") True

from re import search, IGNORECASE

def is_string_match(word1, word2):
    #  Case insensitively function that checks if two words are the same
    # word1: string
    # word2: string | list

    # if the word1 is in a list of words
    if isinstance(word2, list):
        for word in word2:
            if search(rf'\b{word1}\b', word, IGNORECASE):
                return True
        return False

    # if the word1 is same as word2
    if search(rf'\b{word1}\b', word2, IGNORECASE):
        return True
    return False

is_match_word = is_string_match("Hello", "hELLO") 

is_match_word = is_string_match("Hello", ["Bye", "hELLO", "@vagavela"])

is_match_word = is_string_match("Hello", "Bye")

Consider using FoldedCase from jaraco.text:

>>> from jaraco.text import FoldedCase
>>> FoldedCase('Hello World') in ['hello world']

And if you want a dictionary keyed on text irrespective of case, use FoldedCaseKeyedDict from jaraco.collections:

>>> from jaraco.collections import FoldedCaseKeyedDict
>>> d = FoldedCaseKeyedDict()
>>> d['heLlo'] = 'world'
>>> list(d.keys()) == ['heLlo']
>>> d['hello'] == 'world'
>>> 'hello' in d
>>> 'HELLO' in d
def insenStringCompare(s1, s2):
    """ Method that takes two strings and returns True or False, based
        on if they are equal, regardless of case."""
        return s1.lower() == s2.lower()
    except AttributeError:
        print "Please only pass strings into this method."
        print "You passed a %s and %s" % (s1.__class__, s2.__class__)
  • 6
    You are replacing an excepting by a message printed to stdout, then returning None, which is False. That is very unhelpful in practice.
    – gerrit
    Commented Jun 12, 2017 at 18:10

This is another regex which I have learned to love/hate over the last week so usually import as (in this case yes) something that reflects how im feeling! make a normal function.... ask for input, then use ....something = re.compile(r'foo*|spam*', yes.I)...... re.I (yes.I below) is the same as IGNORECASE but you cant make as many mistakes writing it!

You then search your message using regex's but honestly that should be a few pages in its own , but the point is that foo or spam are piped together and case is ignored. Then if either are found then lost_n_found would display one of them. if neither then lost_n_found is equal to None. If its not equal to none return the user_input in lower case using "return lost_n_found.lower()"

This allows you to much more easily match up anything thats going to be case sensitive. Lastly (NCS) stands for "no one cares seriously...!" or not case sensitive....whichever

if anyone has any questions get me on this..

    import re as yes

    def bar_or_spam():

        message = raw_input("\nEnter FoO for BaR or SpaM for EgGs (NCS): ") 

        message_in_coconut = yes.compile(r'foo*|spam*',  yes.I)

        lost_n_found = message_in_coconut.search(message).group()

        if lost_n_found != None:
            return lost_n_found.lower()
            print ("Make tea not love")

    whatz_for_breakfast = bar_or_spam()

    if whatz_for_breakfast == foo:
        print ("BaR")

    elif whatz_for_breakfast == spam:
        print ("EgGs")

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