How can I decompress and view few lines of a compressed file in hdfs. The below command displays the last few lines of the compressed data

hadoop fs -tail /myfolder/part-r-00024.gz

Is there a way I can use the -text command and pipe the output to tail command? I tried this but this doesn't work.

hadoop fs -text /myfolder/part-r-00024.gz > hadoop fs -tail /myfolder/

4 Answers 4


The following will show you the specified number of lines without decompressing the whole file:

hadoop fs -cat /hdfs_location/part-00000.gz | zcat | head -n 20

The following will page the file, also without first decompressing the whole of it:

hadoop fs -cat /hdfs_location/part-00000.gz | zmore

Try the following, should work as long as your file isn't too big (since the whole thing will be decompressed):

hadoop fs -text /myfolder/part-r-00024.gz | tail
  • I've tried that.That created a file called tail on my local machine which was about 9 GB in size. My server is a Windows 2008 server using hadoop MapR client not a linux server.
    – nobody
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 15:31
  • Then you'll have to run a hadoop job which decompresses the data to HDFS, and then tail the decompressed file, I think.
    – mattinbits
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 15:38
  • Ok,I ended up writing a pig script to view the content. Thanks
    – nobody
    Commented Aug 12, 2015 at 15:57

I ended up writing a pig script.

A = LOAD '/myfolder/part-r-00024.gz' USING PigStorage('\t');
B = LIMIT A 10;

Use gunzip to view the compressed file contents:

 hdfs dfs -cat /path/filename.gz | gunzip

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