I have only limted experience with threads. I want to read some fundamental database tables in parallel and I need to wait until all tables are read before the program can reasonably progress. In that regard, blocking the main thread is OK for me.
This code (simplified) works fine:
procedure ReadDBMultiThread;
var ATasks : Array of ITask;
SetLength(ATasks, 3);
ATasks[0] := TTaskCreate(procedure() begin DB_ReadTable1; end);
ATasks[1] := TTaskCreate(procedure() begin DB_ReadTable2; end);
ATasks[2] := TTaskCreate(procedure() begin DB_ReadTable3; end);
However, let's say I would like to update the main form to show the progress, i.e. which database table has already been read (or do any other necessary main thread work). Obviously, I cannot use Synchronise() because that would lead to a dead lock with WaitForall() and I cannot use Queue() because that would by executed after WaitForAll() finishes.
So, is there a good solution to solve this "WaitForAll vs Synchronise" situation? I guess, this must be a situation many people come into... the need to wait for all being finished, but wanting to update the main thread...
I thought about something like this, given in pseudo-code, replacing the WaitForAll() statement:
Applicaton.ProcessMessages; // or "ProcessSynchroniseMessages"
until "AllTaskCompleted"(ATasks);
Would this work? Is there a better solution?
Could I write a own routine like ProcessMessages, but restricted to Synchronise messages, i.e. other main form events not being executed until later?
Many thanks in advance!