Is it just me, or is this a bug?
serialPort = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(Id);
is always null, even while Id
is not.
I need to have this working. For now I am just writing very "quick and dirty" code to test serial communication from a Windows 10 Universal app. I debugged in both x86 and x64 with same result.
Here is where I am at for now, but I can't go very far without a serialPort being created....
public class SerialComm
private SerialDevice serialPort;
DataWriter dataWriteObject = null;
DataReader dataReaderObject = null;
public async void StartTest()
var deviceSelector = SerialDevice.GetDeviceSelector("COM3");
var myDevices = await Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(deviceSelector);
var myCurrentDevice = myDevices[0];
string Id = myCurrentDevice.Id.ToString();
serialPort = await SerialDevice.FromIdAsync(Id);
catch (Exception)
StringBuilder commandBuilder = new StringBuilder();
while (true)
var rBuffer = (new byte[1]).AsBuffer();
await serialPort.InputStream.ReadAsync(rBuffer, 1, InputStreamOptions.Partial);
if ((char)rBuffer.ToArray()[0] != '\n')
string temp = "";
temp += rBuffer.ToString();
catch (Exception)
temp = "Error";
string stringToDisplay = commandBuilder.ToString();
Thanks for your help and advices....
of an instance ofSerialDevice
, it will remain unavailable until the GC runs again and will manifest very similar symptoms.