I have samples A:Z and I want to make a matrix that have sample column and another value column with all 1's.

result should look like this.

samples values
A        1
B        1
C        1
D        1
.        .
.        .
Z        1
  • 1
    @akrun Sorry mate, totally forgot! Thank you for your help. Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 5:40

1 Answer 1


Use cbind to create a matrix

 cbind(samples, values=1)

but matrix can hold only a single class so the output columns will be 'character'

I would suggest to use data.frame to hold columns of different class.

 data.frame(samples, values=1)

If we want the 'samples' column to be character class, use option stringsAsFactors=FALSE. The default is TRUE.

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