Does anyone know the complete sequence of reflux methods? I have this reflux store and its relation shown in the flow below:

component =(listen state)=> store =(listen)=> action =(listen trigger)=> component

That is the complete cycle, and I am trying to integrate this into socket.io

Code snippet:


export default Reflux.createStore({

  listenables: [action],

  init() {
    this.state = messages;

  registerListener() {
    msgSocket.on('message', (user, msgs) => {
      this.state.msg.push(`${user} : ${msgs}`);

  getInitialState() {
    return this.state;

  onSendMessage(username, message) {
    msgSocket.emit('message', username, message);


But I get this result:

[user: undefined,
user: myMessage]

Why does it seem its repeating? anyone knows?


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