I am new to learning python, and I only have limited programing experience, so I am sorry for asking such a basic question. I am doing an online python tutorial and wanted to take the program a bit further than the lesson requested to test out how far I could take it. The problem is that I have been hitting a roadblock. After reading a bunch of posts on here I have moved things around, changed variable names, used more functions, less functions, if else statements, and toyed around/ troubleshot, but have received all sorts of errors. I am going to paste where I currently am at below and would really appreciate if someone out there could help me finish up the program.

Here is what I would like for the program to do:

  • I would like the user to be prompted to enter a number.
  • I would like to make sure that the user entered a number, and if they don't I would like the program to give them an error and restart.
  • I would like that once the number is received the program squares that number and then prints the answer. (again thanks much for all the help)


n1 = raw_input('Please enter your desired number:')

def n2():

    n2 = n1.isnumeric()

    return n2

def square(n2):

    squared = n2**2
    print "%d squared is %d." % (n2, squared)
    return squared    

  • 1
    What kind number would you get only int or both int and float Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 5:44
  • I guess it could be either one.
    – fljlee
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 5:48

2 Answers 2

n2 = raw_input("number pls\n")
while not n2.isdigit():
      print("why did you do this\n")
      n2 = raw_input("number pls\n")

print int(n2)**2

Problems from your code: You need a control structure which repeatedly tries to do something until the right thing happens. This should make you think "while loop."

isnumeric isn't a method. but you had the right idea.

Naming all of your variables and functions n2 is not a good way to easily see what's going on..

If you want to add a construct for floats, you should write a function which takes a string in and returns true or false based on if it looks like a float! This is a good example for using functions to decompose the problem you're working with- you know you need to do something like

while not (n2.isdigit or isFloat(n2)):

There are some good suggestions here and elsewhere about how to do that :)

  • I will mess around with it later.
    – fljlee
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 6:24

You could check if you could convert into float if so print the square else print the error .To repeat this process while you get a number you could use while loop

def number_validator( numb ):    
        float( numb )
        return True
    except Exception:
        print "GIven input is not a valid number"
        return False

def square( n2 ):
    n2=float( n2 )
    squared = n2**2
    print "%s squared is %s." % ( n2 , squared )

    return squared    
n2 = raw_input( 'Please enter your desired number:' )
while not number_validator( n2 ):
    n2 = raw_input( 'Please enter your desired number:' )

square( n2 )


Please enter your desired number:wq
GIven input is not a valid number

Please enter your desired number:we
GIven input is not a valid number

Please enter your desired number:21.0
21.0 squared is 441.0.
  • I will mess around with it later, see if I can get everything to work
    – fljlee
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 6:28

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