Let's imagine I have the following collection of books (Edited out the ID field for compactness):

{ "author" : "Steve Jones", "title" : "Fun Stuff",    "edition" : "2010" }
{ "author" : "Steve Jones", "title" : "Fun Stuff",    "edition" : "2011" }
{ "author" : "Steve Jones", "title" : "Boring Stuff", "edition" : "2010" }
{ "author" : "Ben Johnson", "title" : "Other Stuff",  "edition" : "2010" }

What should I do I want to find only the latest edition of each book? In other words: I want to get a result which omits the 2010 edition of Steve Jones' Fun Stuff, and only has the 2011 edition:

{ "author" : "Steve Jones", "title" : "Fun Stuff",    "edition" : "2011" }
{ "author" : "Steve Jones", "title" : "Boring Stuff", "edition" : "2010" }
{ "author" : "Ben Johnson", "title" : "Other Stuff",  "edition" : "2010" }

If this was a relational database and I were writing a query, I'd probably write something like SELECT DISTINCT title, DISTINCT author, edition WHERE 1 SORT BY edition DESC. So my instinct coming from a SQL background is to look up db.collection.distinct() but it seems to work pretty differently than what I'm used to; it only returns an array with each distinct value for that a single field.

Is this something that I would need to tackle programmatically? Or can I do this entirely with mongo functions and bson?

  • 1
    stackoverflow.com/questions/23119692/… maybe check this for reference? Aug 25, 2015 at 2:11
  • Oh hey, look at me, asking questions that have already been answered. It's not the exact same type of question, but it had what I was looking for nonetheless. Thanks @Shih-MinLee.
    – dotVezz
    Aug 25, 2015 at 2:20
  • no prob man glad it helps Aug 25, 2015 at 2:24

1 Answer 1


Try something like this to start:

db.textbooks.aggregate({ $group: {
    _id: { title: "$title", author: "$author" },
    latestEdition: { $max: "$edition" }

That will give you each unique book by title & author and the latest edition. Play around with the query and aggregation to get exactly what you want.

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