I am trying to load entities from several jar files. What I managed to do is
configure hibernate
private void configure(File[] moduleFiles) { Configuration configuration = new Configuration() .setProperty("hibernate.connection.url", getConnectionString()) .setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", "user") .setProperty("hibernate.connection.password", "pass") .setProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class", "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver") .setProperty("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect") .setProperty("hibernate.archive.autodetection", "class,hbm") .setProperty("exclude-unlisted-classes", "false") .setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "update"); if (moduleFiles != null) { for (File f : moduleFiles) { configuration.addJar(f); } } ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).build(); this.sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry); }
so the entities should be loaded from moduleFiles array. In logs I can see:
2015-08-25 20:52:12 INFO Configuration:837 - HHH000235: Searching for mapping documents in jar: ProgramInfo.jar
2015-08-25 20:52:12 INFO Configuration:837 - HHH000235: Searching for mapping documents in jar: SampleModule.jar
The entity in external jar
@Entity @Table(name = "PROGRAMINFO_DATA", schema = "PUBLIC", catalog = "PUBLIC") @NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name = "PrograminfoDataEntity.findByWindowInfo", query = "FROM PrograminfoDataEntity WHERE PROCESSPATH = :pp AND WINDOWTITLE = :wt AND DAY = :d")}) public class PrograminfoDataEntity implements SVEntity { private long id; private Date day; private String processname; private String processpath; private String programname; private String windowtitle; // getters setters etc. }
persistence.xml in external jar (META-INF directory)
<persistence-unit name="ProgramInfoPersistenceUnit"> <class>com.antara.modules.programinfo.db.model.PrograminfoDataEntity</class> </persistence-unit>
Query with above entity usage
Session session = openSession(); Query q = session.getNamedQuery("PrograminfoDataEntity.findByWindowInfo"); q.setParameter("pp", windowInfo.getProcessPath()); q.setParameter("wt", windowInfo.getWindowTitle()); q.setDate("d", date); PrograminfoDataEntity result = (PrograminfoDataEntity) q.uniqueResult(); closeSession(session);
which threw an exception:
org.hibernate.MappingException: Named query not known: PrograminfoDataEntity.findByWindowInfo
at org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSessionImpl.getNamedQuery(AbstractSessionImpl.java:177)
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.getNamedQuery(SessionImpl.java:1372)
at com.antara.modules.programinfo.db.dao.PrograminfoDao.findByWindowInfo(PrograminfoDao.java:26)
at com.antara.modules.programinfo.ProgramInfoImpl.run(ProgramInfoImpl.java:84)
The question is why hibernate didn't loaded the annotated entity from jar? The exception is thrown not only by named query, but any other operation with entity. There are no errors before usage of this entity. Local entities are loaded properly.
After some changes I managed to recognize entity by Hibernate
DEBUG AnnotationBinder:601 - Binding entity from annotated class: com.antara.modules.programinfo.db.model.PrograminfoDataEntity
DEBUG QueryBinder:93 - Binding named query: PrograminfoDataEntity.findByWindowInfo => FROM PrograminfoDataEntity ....
But when I try to use the entity I still get exception:
ERROR AssertionFailure:61 - HHH000099: an assertion failure occured (this may indicate a bug in Hibernate, but is more likely due to unsafe use of the session): java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.antara.modules.programinfo.db.model.PrograminfoDataEntity
ERROR Main:114 - PersistentClass name cannot be converted into a Class
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.antara.modules.programinfo.db.model.PrograminfoDataEntity
The change was: passing Configuration to each "module" that is inside jar and add Annotated Class (by module I mean SPI service with method invoked at startup)
public void configureDB(Configuration configuration) {