1. Result in the form of a cell array of matrices (as requested)
Here's one possible approach. I had to use one for
loop. However, the loop can be easily avoided if you accept a 3D-array result instead of a cell array of 2D-arrays. See second part of the answer.
If you follow the comments in the code and inspect the result of each step, it's straightforward to see how it works.
%// Example data
A(:,:,1) = { 1:2, 3:5, 6:9; 10 11:12 13:15 };
A(:,:,2) = { 16:18, 19:22, 23; 24:28, [], 29:30 };
%// Let's go
[S, I, H] = size(A);
B = permute(A, [2 1 3]); %// permute rows and columns
B = squeeze(mat2cell(B, I, ones(1, S), ones(1, H))); %// group each col of B into a cell...
B = cellfun(@(x) [x{:}], B, 'uniformoutput', false); %// ...containing a single vector
t = cellfun(@numel, B); %// lengths of all columns of result
result = cell(1,H); %// preallocate
for h = 1:H
mask = bsxfun(@le, (1:max(t(:,h))), t(:,h)).'; %'// values of result{h} to be used
result{h} = NaN(size(mask)); %// unused values will be NaN
result{h}(mask) = [B{:,h}]; %// fill values for matrix result{h}
Result in this example:
A{1,1,1} =
1 2
A{2,1,1} =
A{1,2,1} =
3 4 5
A{2,2,1} =
11 12
A{1,3,1} =
6 7 8 9
A{2,3,1} =
13 14 15
A{1,1,2} =
16 17 18
A{2,1,2} =
24 25 26 27 28
A{1,2,2} =
19 20 21 22
A{2,2,2} =
A{1,3,2} =
A{2,3,2} =
29 30
result{1} =
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 NaN
8 NaN
9 NaN
result{2} =
16 24
17 25
18 26
19 27
20 28
21 29
22 30
23 NaN
2. Result in the form of 3D array
As indicated above, using a 3D array to store the result permits avoiding loops. In the code below, the last three lines replace the loop used in the first part of the answer. The rest of the code is the same.
%// Example data
A(:,:,1) = { 1:2, 3:5, 6:9; 10 11:12 13:15 };
A(:,:,2) = { 16:18, 19:22, 23; 24:28, [], 29:30 };
%// Let's go
[S, I, H] = size(A);
B = permute(A, [2 1 3]); %// permute rows and columns
B = squeeze(mat2cell(B, I, ones(1, S), ones(1, H))); %// group each col of B into a cell...
B = cellfun(@(x) [x{:}], B, 'uniformoutput', false); %// ...containing a single vector
t = cellfun(@numel, B); %// lengths of all columns of result
mask = bsxfun(@le, (1:max(t(:))).', permute(t, [3 1 2])); %'// values of result to be used
result = NaN(size(mask)); %// unused values will be NaN
result(mask) = [B{:}]; %// fill values
This gives (compare with result of the first part):
>> result
result(:,:,1) =
1 10
2 11
3 12
4 13
5 14
6 15
7 NaN
8 NaN
9 NaN
result(:,:,2) =
16 24
17 25
18 26
19 27
20 28
21 29
22 30
23 NaN
? Please edit the answer, as it saysh
, and theni
- so the number of output matrices requires is always 3.m
however will be variable.i
are ignored then why create them in the first place? This appears to be some kind of looping operation where the easy answer is remove the useless structures. If you eliminatei
the output would be a cell of 3 matrices exactly as you want.