You can use np.split
like this:
import numpy as np
def splitPerc(l, perc):
# Turn percentages into values between 0 and 1
splits = np.cumsum(perc)/100.
if splits[-1] != 1:
raise ValueError("percents don't add up to 100")
# Split doesn't need last percent, it will just take what is left
splits = splits[:-1]
# Turn values into indices
splits *= len(l)
# Turn double indices into integers.
# CAUTION: numpy rounds to closest EVEN number when a number is halfway
# between two integers. So 0.5 will become 0 and 1.5 will become 2!
# If you want to round up in all those cases, do
# splits += 0.5 instead of round() before casting to int
splits = splits.round().astype(
return np.split(l, splits)
list = np.arange(100)
percents = np.array([25, 10, 15, 5, 5, 5, 10, 25])
# 100 elements -> lengths of sublists should equal their percents
assert all(percents == map(len, splitPerc(list, percents)))