A similar question was made here but they didn't address why there is a speed difference between sort and awk.

I made this question first on Unix Stackexchange but since they told me this would be a good question for Stackoverflow I'll post it here.

I need to deduplicate a large wordlist. I tried several commands and did some research here and here where they explained that the fastest way to deduplicate a wordlist seems to be using awk because awk doesn't sort the list. It uses hash lookups to keep track of the items and delete duplicates. Since AWK uses hash lookup they argued that that big O is like this

awk --> O(n) ?
sort --> O(n log n) ?

However I found that this isn't true. Here are my testing results. I generated two random wordlists using this python script.

List1 = 7 Mb
List2 = 690 Mb

Test commands

sort -u input.txt -o output.txt 

awk '!x[$0]++' input.txt > output.txt

Results AWK:
real 0m1.643s
user 0m1.565s
sys 0m0.062s

real 2m6.918s
user 2m4.499s
sys 0m1.345s

Results SORT:
real 0m0.724s
user 0m0.666s
sys 0m0.048s

real 1m27.254s
user 1m25.013s
sys 0m1.251s

I made these tests over and over again and found consistent results. Namely, that SORT is a lot faster. Could someone explain why and if there is an even faster way to do it?

************ Update ***********
Things that could have flawed my outcomes are

  1. caching: I've excluded this possibility by changing the order of execution on the tests
  2. constant factors of the big O notation. I think they should've become irrelevant at this point due to the size of the wordlists. (600Mb)
  3. Bad implementation of algorithms: This remains a possibility I haven't checked out the source code of awk and sort
  • What is n in each case? If you try this for many different values of n, do you see awk's running time increasing linearly, or sort's increasing as n lg n?
    – chepner
    Sep 1, 2015 at 17:10
  • There may be something special about your lists. For me, awk wins as I expect. Try shuf /usr/share/dict/words > unsorted; time sort -u unsorted -o sort-sorted; time awk '!x[$0]++' unsorted > awk-sorted
    – bishop
    Sep 1, 2015 at 17:16
  • Add your awk code to your question.
    – Cyrus
    Sep 1, 2015 at 17:18
  • 1
    Your test data has a lot of duplicates (expected 99%), which sort -u can process much more efficiently than the worst-case scenario. Testing with 1,000,000 random values from 500,000 distinct values (instead of 100,000,000 random from 1,000,000 distinct) has awk being almost 14 times faster.
    – chepner
    Sep 1, 2015 at 17:59
  • 3
    This has been asked so many times. Some additional strategies here: stackoverflow.com/q/30906191/1172700
    – ghoti
    Sep 1, 2015 at 18:10

2 Answers 2


Your sample input has a lot of duplicate values; you only have 1,000,000 distinct values in a sample size of 100,000,000, so you would expect only 1% of the values to be unique. I don't know exactly how sort -u works, but imagine it is a merge sort which filters unique values during each merge. The effective input size would then be much smaller than 100,000,000. Rerunning your commands with only 1,000,000 values, but chosen from 500,000 distinct values (so that 50%, not 1%, are expected to be unique) produces the following results:

% time awk '!x[$0]++' randomwordlist.txt > /dev/null
awk ...  1.32s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 1.338 total
% time sort -u randomwordlist.txt -o /dev/null
sort ...  14.25s user 0.04s system 99% cpu 14.304 total
  • Interesting point, I've replicated your experiment with 10.000.000 sample size and 5.000.000 distinct values. But sort is still 30% faster --> sort = 0m10.258s -- awk = 0m16.966s
    – Karl
    Sep 1, 2015 at 18:58
  • could this be realated to the OS and hardware? I'm on a Macbook pro 2015.. 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
    – Karl
    Sep 1, 2015 at 19:01
  • sorry I mean 5.000.000
    – Karl
    Sep 1, 2015 at 19:03
  • You're probably hitting memory limits that produce swap-related overhead.
    – chepner
    Sep 1, 2015 at 19:03
  • Also i've tried with another large wordlist with 50% unique values.. same results there. So this seems like an implementation issue to me..
    – Karl
    Sep 1, 2015 at 19:04
  1. The big-O notation only tells you that there is some N for which O(N) will be faster than O(N*log N). The actual number of operations include constant factors and added terms so that in reality the numbers are
    O(N) ~ k1 * N + c1 and
    O(N * log N) ~ k2 * N * log(N) + c2
    Which one is faster for a chosen N depends on the values of the k and c.
  2. Some input/algorithm combinations lead to very small k and c.
  3. Either program may not use the optimum algorithm.
  4. Caching efffects? If you always run test 1 before test 2, the second test may use already cached data, while the first always has to load from scratch. Proper elimination/determination of cache effects is an art.
  5. Something else I haven't thought of and others will be quick to point out :-)
  • I thought with the big difference in size of the wordlists, k and c should become irrelevant.. (I did this with a 20 Gb wordlist too) I've excluded the caching effect changing the order of execution on this experiment
    – Karl
    Sep 1, 2015 at 17:36

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