I have basic VB programming knowledge. I'm having trouble getting info from an XML file. I know I can simply open the XML as a normal file, and read it sequentially, but I'd like to have my code running as efficient as possible.

I'm reading a bunch of XML files. The <full path>+<file name> will be passed to the xml-reading sub or function.

Here's what the XML looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  <mproxyMessage xmlns:ns2="com.cmp.mproxy.message" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns2:mproxyMessage">
                <value>DSUBJECT(DMA-IMA)DGIVENNAME(9803375)DSENDERID(144796) medidoc_formatrecipient : Demo User, 14699062,Department,AZO(recipient DN : uid=demo.user,null)</value>
                <value>Demo User, 14699062,Department,AZO</value>

What I need in return (for further processing) is the value between the <uri> tags (a file path), the DSUBJECT value, and the recipientLabel (only the number, but that's easy to split)

The URI seems to be quite simple using:

Dim xml = XDocument.Load(file.FullName)
MsgBox("URI: " + xml.<mproxyMessage>.<attachments>.<attachment>.<uri>.Value)

But I'm stuck with the KEY/Value part

I have been looking at several code samples to do this, but none produced the result I was hoping for...

Is their someone who can provide me a code sample?

2 Answers 2


You can query for the key/value elements using LINQ (untested code):

Dim dsubject = (
    From e In xml.<mproxyMessage>.<option>.<map>.<element>
    Where e.<key>.Value = "DSUBJECT"
    Select e.<value>.Value

This looks for the <element> with the matching <key> value, and selects the associated <value> value.

  • Great!! Worked 'out of the box' !! Only need to find out how to make this error proof (some XML's don't have the dsubject tag), but this is a perfect starting point) Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 16:22
  • You can use SingleOrDefault() to handle cases where there is no match. It will return Nothing if no match is found.
    – Mark
    Commented Sep 7, 2015 at 21:18

Try it without specifying the root element:

    'to load
    ' someXML = XElement.Load(PATH HERE)

    Dim someXML As XElement = <mproxyMessage xmlns:ns2="com.cmp.mproxy.message" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="ns2:mproxyMessage">
                                              <value>DSUBJECT(DMA-IMA)DGIVENNAME(9803375)DSENDERID(144796) medidoc_formatrecipient : Demo User, 14699062,Department,AZO(recipient DN : uid=demo.user,null)</value>

    Dim s As String = someXML.<attachments>.<attachment>.<uri>.Value
  • I think you haven't got my question right :).. Getting the <uri> value is no problem. It's getting the value that corresponds with the DSUBJECT key, and the same for the recipientLabel key Commented Sep 6, 2015 at 15:26

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