What is Consumer Utilization (shown in the RabbitMQ management console) in RabbitMQ? Is it the percentage the consumers utilize the RabbitMQ by consuming the messages? Or have I misunderstood it? If so how to make the consumers best utilize the RabbitMQ for 100%? Because, I couldn't see any increase in % when I increase the consumers, but only a fraction of seconds on the moment a new consumer is started. I could not make lots from the small explanation provided in tool-tip.

Besides, the tooltip doc says the prefetch count someway influences the consumer utilization, so is there a formula kind to fix the numbers?

so many consumers = this many fetch counts


time taken by a consumer to process a messages = this many fetch count
  • you have at least 2 distinct questions here: rabbitmq consumer utilization and prefetch. please keep your question limited to 1 specific subject. open a new question for the second one Commented Sep 14, 2015 at 11:44
  • It might be better to ask this question here: groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/rabbitmq-users
    – old_sound
    Commented Oct 5, 2015 at 23:53

1 Answer 1


The definition of consumer utilisation is the proportion of time that a queue's consumers could take new messages.

Increasing the prefetch limit will result in increases in consumer utilisation.

See here for more info.

The page linked above also contains the author's observations on the correlation between prefetch limit and consumer utilisation.

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