I have a tree with many levels, where leaf nodes might have property "count". I want to calculate total count for each sub-tree, and cache those values in the root node of each sub-tree. Is that possible in Gremlin?

  • which version of Gremlin 2.x or 3.x? Commented Sep 28, 2015 at 11:31
  • Gremlin 2.x would be preferable. Commented Sep 28, 2015 at 15:06

1 Answer 1


You could do it with a sideEffect - that's pretty straightforward. We setup a simple tree with:

gremlin> g = new TinkerGraph()                                                                 
==>tinkergraph[vertices:0 edges:0]
gremlin> v1 = g.addVertex()                                                                    
gremlin> v2 = g.addVertex()                                                                    
gremlin> v3 = g.addVertex([count:2])                                                           
gremlin> v4 = g.addVertex([count:3])                                                           
gremlin> v1.addEdge('child',v2)                                                                
gremlin> v1.addEdge('child',v3)                                                                
gremlin> v2.addEdge('child',v4)

And then here's the calculation over each subtree within the full tree:

gremlin> g.V().filter{it.outE().hasNext()}.sideEffect{                                           
gremlin>   c=0;                                                                                  
gremlin>   it.as('a').out().sideEffect{leaf -> c+=(leaf.getProperty('count')?:0)}.loop('a'){true}.iterate()
gremlin>   it.setProperty('total',c)                                                                       
gremlin> }                                                                                                 
gremlin> g.v(0).total
gremlin> g.v(1).total                                                                                      

That query breaks down like this. First, this piece:


gets any portion of the tree that is not a leaf node (i.e. should have at least one outgoing edge to not be a leaf). Second, we use sideEffect to process each root of a subtree:

it.as('a').out().sideEffect{leaf -> c+=(leaf.getProperty('count')?:0)}.loop('a'){true}.iterate()

storing the sum of the "count" property for each subtree in a variable called c. There's a bit of groovy goodness there with the elvis operator (?:) to check for vertices without a "count" property and return a zero in those cases. After you traverse the tree to calculate c you can just store the value of c in your root node of the subtree via:

  • >>you can just store the value of c in your root node of the subtree<< How? Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 1:14
  • v1.setProperty('total',c) - do you need something more? Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 10:34
  • Yes: calculate and cache those values for each sub-tree, not for the whole tree. Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 15:24
  • I need to modify the query: property 'count' belongs to vertices that leaf vertices 'knows':v1 = g.addVertex() v2 = g.addVertex() v3 = g.addVertex() v4 = g.addVertex() v5 = g.addVertex([count:3]) v6 = g.addVertex([count:2]) v1.addEdge('child',v2) v1.addEdge('child',v3) v2.addEdge('child',v4) v3.addEdge('knows',v5) v4.addEdge('knows',v6) Commented Sep 30, 2015 at 21:34
  • Adding edge labels doesn't really change the outcome of the query I provided. It works independently of the edge labels as it is and I don't see a reason to constrain it to labels. Are you thinking that something no longer works as a result of the addition of the edge labels? Commented Oct 1, 2015 at 10:48

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