Have a LinkedHashMap<Float, Integer>. The keys of this HashMap are points in time in seconds (like 0.031f or 1.4021f). There can be hundreds of thousands of entries.

Given a float value, say 0.6102f, I need to find the HashMap key that is closest to it (like 0.6002f maybe, assuming that's in the keyset).

A trivial answer would be to check key by key of the HashMap. After all, the entries happen to be correctly sorted. But I guess that's an O(n) operation which may not be a great idea given that I have to perform this search several times per second.

Is there an efficient way to find the "closest float key" of a HashMap given a float?

  • If you are not bound to the use of HashMap, you may be interested in using a TreeMap. Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 3:24

1 Answer 1


There is no efficient way to do this using a HashMap; i.e. nothing that is better than O(N) where N is the number of entries in the map.

However, if you switch to using a TreeMap<Float, Integer> you can find the entry with the closest key in O(logN). You need to use floorEntry and ceilingEntry and then test which of the 2 entry keys is nearest to your given key.

After all, the entries happen to be correctly sorted.

Actually the keys in a HashMap aren't sorted. The hashCode() implementations for some key types may make appear that the HashMap keys are sorted, but what you are seeing is an artifact.

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